I realize that this point has become generally cliched, and can even become tautological at times, but it still is applicable in this instance: If the Obama Regime's total capitulation to the Islamic Empire of Iran on its nuclear weapons program was such a great "deal" for U.S. and allied national security and the safety and peace of the Middle East and the world, why are they continuing to insist that it is so loudly, shrilly, and belligerently? If that were true, wouldn't the "deal" - about which they've already as much as conceded that they've been lying all along - speak for itself?:
Nothing in the agreement reached with Iran this week on its nuclear capabilities is based on trust, Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday, but instead, is "based on intrusive inspections, tracking and monitoring."
"We will have tracking of their mining of any uranium whatsoever in Iran for twenty-five years from the mine to the mill to the yellow cake, to the gas, to the centrifuge and to the waste," Kerry told MSNBC's Morning Joe program.
"We have unprecedented ability to see what they are doing. And our intelligence community tells us that for them to have a covert path, they would have to have an entire fuel cycle that is covert and that is impossible to do so with the regime that we have put together."
And, once again, every last syllable of Lurch's words is a lie:
Initial readings of the deal also indicate that Iran will be given the right to veto so-called “anywhere, anytime” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites. This concession has caused concern that Tehran will be able to continue obfuscating its nuclear work and potentially continue in secret along the pathway to....bombs.
Iran also will be permitted for a time to keep its military sites off limits to inspectors, who have long been unable to confirm the past dimensions and scope of Iran’s nuclear weapons work. [emphases added]
We will be allowed to see only what the mullahs want us to see, and Obama and Kerry are just fine with that, because that will prevent any PR discomfort until after O leaves office (assuming he ever does), when the horrific consequences of this "historical agreement" become Scott Walker's problem (and fault), as The One himself will spare no time and volume charging.
In short, "Methinks they dost protest too much".
But that's not the biggest such White House whopper of the day. That dishonor belongs to spokesdick Josh Earnest:
The White House said on Friday that if the U.S. Congress rejects the Iran nuclear agreement, then Iran will not face any consequences for its actions.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said not backing the deal would amount to Iran getting off "scot-free."
Once again, the diametic opposite of the truth.
Boy, the Orwellian bovine scatology of this Regime is positively vertigo-inducing, isn't it?
And, inevitably, lethal as well.

UPDATE: Can't leave out his - or Obama's - or both - lies about the U.S. hostages they abandoned:
Secretary of State John Kerry says there was “not one meeting that took place” during the recent Iranian nuclear talks at which the U.S. didn’t raise the issue of four Americans still held captive by Tehran.
In fact, Kerry adds, the issue was discussed during his last meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, before they announced the landmark deal that is meant to [guarantee] Tehran [its] acqui[sition of] nuclear weapons capability in [plus] sanctions relief.
Well, holy shit on a shingle, THAT bit of indiscretion from the Boston Balker is going to cause his majesty some unwanted heartburn. The latter just got through sending Major Garrett to the White House iron maiden for suggesting that he did what he, in fact, did, abandoning Amir Hekmati. Saeed Abedini, Jason Rezaian, and Robert Levinson by not even bothering to include their release from Iranian captivity in his "landmark deal". Now here comes Sphincter-Mouth letting slip that they WERE part of the negotiations and were heaved overboard as the obstacles to co-Nobel "Peace" Prizes that they so clearly were.
But don't worry. Seeing those mushroom clouds rise over Haifa and Tel Aviv and the Negev will be all the "antacid" Red Barry needs.
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