Saturday, July 11, 2015

Slapping Down the Socialists

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I have a friend that once said to me, "I'm as liberal as they get, but I can't be a Democrat.  The party is full of statists."

Six years ago, Rick Santelli railed against socialism, calling for Americans to follow the example given to us by the Founding Fathers, and have a new Tea Party.

When McCain called Obama a Socialist, and Joe the Plumber challenged Obama's statement about "redistribution of wealth," which is a specific policy of socialism, the Liberal Left screamed, "You can't call Obama a Socialist. That's conspiracy, that's crack-pot, right-wing, nutcase talk, you calling him a socialist. What kind of crazies are you?"

Now, as we approach the 2016 campaign season, self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders is Hillary Clinton's biggest challenger for the Democrat Party presidential nomination.  And, around the time McCain was calling Obama a socialist, Newsweek magazine proclaimed that we are all socialists now.  They call it progressivism, and liberalism, but let's not mince words.  Progressivism and liberalism is socialism. . . or better yet, a drive for communism.

Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev; they proclaimed they would bury us. They said they would take us over from within. We would raise the red flag of socialism ourselves.

That is exactly what is happening.

This is nothing new.  The Ten Planks of Communism are now all federal departments.  Let's not forget the Naked Communist's List of 45. Lenin, Stalin, and Krushchev are taking us over from within.  Right now, what is happening right now is exactly what the Soviet hardliners predicted. When I say that, do you know what the liberal left's response is? "Oh, what are you talking about, the Soviet Union doesn’t even exist anymore."

When the Communists said they were going to bury us, that they were going to take us over from within, they weren’t talking about the Soviet Union taking us over. They were talking about their ideology. They were talking about Socialism. Because they were Socialists. They were brothers in arms, and it was all about socialism, even if the Soviet Union were to collapse, and wither away and vanish. That's what it was about. They knew that the seeds they had planted to lead this nation in the same direction as Russia had been planted. McCarthy was right, and we didn't believe him.  The communists in America that call themselves liberals and progressives to hide their true identity poo-pooed McCarthy, demonized McCarthy.  They wanted the ideology of socialism to gain control of America from within, and they were hammering on McCarthy because he was letting the secret out.  He was pointing at the creeping incrementalism, and saying, "They're here.  They are within.  They are burying us from within."  There were Soviet spies and Communists infiltrating the United States Government. The McCarthy folks were not wrong.  And now, indeed, we are becoming the very socialists that the infiltrators were, because now the communists have become mainstream politicians, and they are masking who they are with cries of "hope and change."

Communism, or the pursuit of it, was socialism, and it is a bad idea. Period. I don't care what you call it.

You don't have to take over an individual, or a group, by a military coup.  The leftists are not taking over violently, but by legislating out of existence the American System, in the name of the common good.

On college campuses and on liberal left broadcasts on television capitalism has become the enemy. Liberals sound like party members of the Soviet Union during the 50s, and 60s and 70s.

"Those Capitalist Pigs are the enemy!" is essentially what they are saying. "We need more government, and nationalized banks, and the government needs to nationalize oil, the power grid, and healthcare, and this and that!"

And as they take over, remember, they are also the ones that want to take away everyone's guns.  A defenseless public is a submissive public.

Socialism is socialism, whether it is caused by the hand of the military, a violent revolution like the Russian Revolution, or if it's simply liberty dying amidst thunderous applause as it is happening now.

Reagan delivered us from socialism by causing the collapse of the Soviet Union. We were excited about that. And here we are. We are becoming that very same socialism, we are welcoming it with open arms, and the uninformed voters that Obama brought to the polls are excited about the socialism, and they are willing to riot to achieve it.  They are willing to call their opposition "racist" for daring to challenge them.

We have to call this what it is.  We can't sugar-coat it.  If it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, and has a bill like a duck, guess what? It's a duck. And no matter what you call this ideology creeping across the American government, and through Hollywood, you can call it as many names as you want. You can call it progressivism, you can call it liberalism, you can call it Obamaism, you can call it "Hope and Change," you can call it whatever you want - but in reality, this is straight out socialism.

Obama hates freedom, he abhors the limiting principles of the Constitution, and I believe he hates America.  Capitalism sickens the man. Liberty sickens the man. I believe that.

He’s a Marxist. We’ve called him a Marxist many times, and we laugh it off like it is some sorry joke, but if he isn’t a Marxist, then what is he? Wait, he's worse than a Marxist.  His obedience to the tactics of Saul Alinsky makes Obama and his horde an even more dangerous group of radicals.  It is a merger of Alinky, Marx and fascism.  This President, just like the rest of the Democrat Party, has fallen prey to the wiles of the enemy, and now they have become the enemy.

How has it worked out for you?  I mean those of you who voted for Obama.  He promised hope and change.  He promised unity.  He promised peace.  He promised a post-racial America.  He promised jobs.  He promised prosperity.  Do you realize that when you voted for him you were foolish and blind?  You thought that Barack Obama was going to make everything so wonderful for us. He’s gonna be there for the workers and the poor and punish big business, and give everyone free health care, and pay our mortgage.

So said Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao tse tung, so said every communist and socialist leader in the history of this world.

As Europe, Greece being a great example, is wallowing in the consequences of their socialist nightmare, the United States has decided to also take the fast track downward spiraling path into the path of a speeding train, too.

I don't understand how some people can't get it. A bigger central government causes problems and takes away your freedoms! Government is about power. And when the people in government get that power their concern is not YOU - their concern is not whether you are going to have a better life. Their concern is whether or not they are going to be able to stay in power - period. That is their only concern.  Obama and the Democrats would love nothing more than to be the permanent rulers of the United States. As Karl Marx taught, it is about eliminating the enemy, silencing opposition, whether it be through attacks by the IRS, demanding cities to change their demographics through high-density housing, or flooding this nation with new voters through illegal immigration. 

It’s about power, and those who vote for statism are merely tools in the process.  Leftism is condemning capitalism, and blaming the free market for the economic difficulties, and six years into his presidency, Obama is still trying to blame Bush.  We are being told we have to change what has worked for over two centuries.

What do you think made this nation great?  It wasn’t socialism! And it wasn’t government control. It wasn’t an expansion of government so huge that you can’t spit without the government knowing about it.

Thomas Jefferson was optimistic, though he expected a bloody revolution every twenty years.  He distrusted government, but he believed the American People would pull out of this kind of madness if given the chance.  He said, "The good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army.  They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves."

Our nation became great under the principles and philosophies of the United States Constitution, not the teachings of radical socialists.

Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried with no exception. And socialism has been the enemy of the U.S. because it is the opposite of freedom - it is the opposite of liberty - it is the opposite of the American Way.  The socialist policies of the Democrats (and many establishment Republicans) are the opposite of the principles of a virtuous society that was founded upon a belief that we must exist under a firm reliance on the protection of God.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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