As I keep saying, ladies and gentlemen, don't think for one single, solitary moment that leftists don't understand economics:
New York City, Los Angeles, Honolulu: They're all places you would think would be popular destinations for Americans. So it might come as a surprise that these are among the cities U.S. residents are fleeing in droves.
Twenty metropolitan areas among the hundred most populous in the United States lost the greatest share of local people to other parts of the country between July 2013 and July 2014, according to a Bloomberg News analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.
The New York City area ranked second, just behind El Paso, Texas. New York lost about a net 163,000 U.S. residents, closely followed by a couple surrounding suburbs in Connecticut. Honolulu ranked fourth and Los Angeles ranked 14th.
Interestingly, these are also the cities with some of the highest net inflows of people from outside the country. That gives many of these cities a steadily growing population, despite the net exodus of people moving within the U.S. [emphases added]
In other words, economic incentives and disincentives are being used by the Left to change the demographics of these U.S. cities and the country as a whole:
Michael Stoll, a professor of public policy and urban planning at the University of California Los Angeles, has an idea. Soaring home prices are pushing local residents out and scaring away potential new ones from other parts of the country, he said.
As Americans leave, people from abroad move in to these bustling cities to fill the vacant low-skilled jobs. They are able to do so by living in what Stoll calls "creative housing arrangements" in which they pack six to eight individuals, or two to four families, into one apartment or home. It's an arrangement that most Americans just aren't willing to pursue, and even many [aliens] decide it's not for them as time goes by, he said.
In addition, the growing demand for high-skilled workers, especially in the technology industry, brought foreigners who possess those skills to the U.S. They are compensated appropriately and can afford to live in these high-cost areas, just like Americans who hold similar positions. One example is Washington, D.C., which had a lot of people from abroad arriving to soak up jobs in the growing tech-hub, Stoll said. [emphases added]
A growing demand for high-skilled workers combined with a U.S. socialized education system that doesn't impart practical skills but does heap mounds of poisonous leftwing propaganda and indoctrination on American schoolchildren, leaving them programmed riot drones and America-haters but not knowing how to read or write or count or add or subtract or multiple or divide or solve quadratic equations or anything else that would enable them to move into these high-end jobs, much less be part of a self-governing constitutional republic that functionally no longer exists.
In the big picture essence, what is happening over the long term - and now it's accelerating - is that our country and our economy are being taken away from us - Americans, that is - and by attrition turned over to foreigners while we are gradually herded into "bedroom regions," "ghettos," and "loose concentration camps," in descending order of euphemism, our ultimate fate to be determined, but not all that difficult to extrapolate.
That's not to say that I have any objection to immigrants who come here legally and can contribute to our economy and society, so long as they culturally assimilate. But we're importing high-end and low-end immigrants faster than we can absorb them, intentionally discouraging their cultural assimilation, at the same time that indigenous Americans are being deliberately denied the skills and education to compete with them - and that has nothing whatsodamnever to do with "lack of funding". And the practical effect of these policy-driven trends is that Americans are abandoning their own cities and towns under the whip of Obamanomics to what could less charitably be described as "passive invaders".
Turning America "blue," in other words, as ultimately only the Democrats would benefit from that politically.
Again, the method to the madness can only be perceived by those who are crazy like foxes. Pity all too few wish to hear our warnings. But such is the plight of prophets, in the sense of the one-eyed man being king of the blind.
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