I don't have a lot to say about this because Allahpundit undertook the whimsically tedious task of parsing and debunking Dylan Matthews' pretentious, self-important, pseudo-intellectual claptrapfest. He offers three reasons for his retroactively treasonous ("Tory" would work just as well, I suppose) assertion:
1) No America would have been better for "Original Americans";
2) Slavery would have ended sooner; and
3) (I swear I'm not making this up) No America would have meant no Constitution, and that would have been a better outcome because whatever English-derived polity existed on this continent would have been a parliamentary democracy, and (seriously, Matthews really wrote this) parliamentary democracies are more stable and less prone to dictatorship than constitutional republics with presidents.
And from so many different directions, too. Though I'm sure Matthews was looking ahead to President Walker's administration, not the current big-eared despot.
What sticks out most starkly to me about the Matthews piece is the transparent candor with which he openly wishes that America had never existed, because in his diseased little pea-sized mind, America is (or was until January 20th, 2009) and has always been irredeemably and entirely evil, and ANYTHING would have been better than what we - he - actually got. Both for the inhabitants of this continent and for the entirety of humanity.
Call it retroactive "fundamental transformation". Or maybe "fundamental preemption".
It's a pity we can't "slide" Matthews to an alternate quantum history where his dream actually happened, and make it a one-way trip.
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