Second look at American cultural revival? Or "the most depressing video you will ever see....until, probably, tomorrow":
While Americans coast to coast are readying to fire up their grills and celebrate July Fourth, YouTube blogger Mark Dice traversed a beach in San Diego to ask people the reason for the weekend holiday — and most had no idea, reports.
One woman told Dice, "The day that we overtook the South … it’s our independence ... from the South," referring to the American Civil War, which took place almost a hundred years after the American Revolution, InfoWars said.
When asked what country America gained independence from, another woman responded, "California," while her husband, more accurately, simply said: "I don't know."

And here's the punchline that will have you braiding your own nooses:
Out of twelve people interviewed, only one, a man visiting on vacation from Italy, was able to answer the question correctly by stating that America gained its independence from Britain in 1776.
Pizza Pasta knows American history better than almost half (42%) of the American population overall, and the vast majority of American "youts".
Vids like this would be at least a little less demoralizing if the vast ignorant masses could at least supply snappy wrong answers, like, "America won its independence from Vulcan after Jonathan Archer found the Kir'Shara" or "America was admitted to the Breen Confederacy in 1776, but all of our masks and armor have been on back-order for 239 years". Which means We the People don't even know enough to apply even a thin layer of humorous frosting to this empty-headed national civics cake.
There's nothing "progressive" education can't accomplish, huh?
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