Saturday, August 15, 2015

"Calypso" Louis Farrakhan: "White People Deserve To Die"

by JASmius

If only Barack Hussein Obama could be this transparent:

[Imam] Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, told his followers in a sermon laced with racist invective and “allahu akbars” that white people deserve to die.

The three-hour sermon, delivered last week according to Gateway Pundit, came after reports that he had called for ten thousand volunteers to “kill white people if the government doesn’t give the black community ‘justice,’” the website reported.

And then subsequently cited reports of this promise of racist genocide as "proof" that white racists are trying to "smear" him, and claimed that his famous UFO mothership would carry out the extinction of the white race after "rapturing" all blacks to safety.

I guess crazy is supposed to be better than mass murder.  At least, though, we know what the "or else" refers to.  Like we didn't already.

Might there be a connection between Calypso Louis's indiscretions and this story?:

Al Sharpton is calling on black churches across the United States to lobby for Barack Obama’s Iran [deal], the Huffington Post reported Saturday.

"We have a disproportionate interest, being that if there is a war, our community is always disproportionately part of the armed services, and that a lot of the debate is by people who will not have family members who will be at risk," Sharpton told the Huffington Post.

"I am calling on ministers in black churches nationwide to go to their pulpits Sunday and have their parishioners call their senators and congressman to vote yes on the Iran nuclear plan."

I'm not sure where Sharpie gets his information about African-Americans being disproportionately represented in the armed forces, but they and their white, red, yellow, purple, whatever comrades in arms would be doing their country and all of humanity - black, white, red, yellow, purple, whatever - an immense service if they were ordered into action to liberate Iran from jihadist domination and eliminating the mullahs' nuclear threat once and for all - which is, as it has always been, the only way that threat can ever be eliminated.

I also am puzzled as to his confidence level in the surgical strike capability of Iranian nuclear weapons that they will only kill white people and not blacks.  Nukes are generally considered to be weapons of MASS destruction, and Obama's "deal" guarantees that the mullahs will develop AND purchase nuclear weapons and (more) ICBMs with which to deliver them, and that they will be used against us and our (but not The One's) allies.

And then there's Sharpie's mixing of church and state to preach foreign policy from the pulpit that has nothing remotely to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  But there's nothing new about that.

Maybe Farrakhan's UFO mothership will guide the mullah's nukes to their white targets.  I certainly can't think of more plausible means.

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