Saturday, August 08, 2015

Conservative Voice Radio: Shell Shocked

Host Douglas V. Gibbs, and members of the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party, are on the radio this morning at 8:00 am, Pacific, with Conservative Voice Radio on KMET 1490 AM.  And with all that is going on, the first segment is dedicated to how the left is hammering us continuously, leaving many Americans shell shocked.  Can the rapid fire of tyranny be any worse?  President Obama knows that his final 531 days are a free opportunity to inflict as much damage as he can. . . and apparently, he's taking advantage of it.

In addition to the discussion about being shell shocked, we also discuss the following topics:

- Jimmy Carter: We are no longer a democracy

- Iraqi Christians Imprisoned by ICE

- Thursday, August 13, 2015 the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party welcomes John L. Hancock and Douglas V. Gibbs as this month's speakers.

- Your electric bill is going up . . . thank Obama's unconstitutional energy power grab as part of the blame.

- The Democrats actually filibustered against the GOP Planned Parenthood defunding. . . and as that is going on, a judge actually orders the filmmaker that exposed Planned Parenthood's participation in a baby body parts black market to stop releasing their video evidence of the unlawful activities by Planned Parenthood.

- Trump absent from the New Hampshire Forum

- Ben Carson shines at Fox News Debate, and Tom makes sure to verbalize it.

- What about Biden?  Hillary?  Bernie Sanders?  And... what's the difference between Democrats and Socialists?

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