Sunday, August 16, 2015

Deleted Hillary Clinton Emails Surfacing?

by JASmius

We all (or should have) learned twenty-three years ago that the Clintons don't make mistakes.  They always win their elections, they commit whatever scandals they want, and they always get away with them - heck, they always benefit politically from them as well.

Or they did as long as Bill was the frontman.  As soon as Hillary took that position, the wheels promptly fell off, sending lugnuts shooting at high velocities in every direction like shrapnel.  Her performance as a Democrat primary candidate was so abysmal (Remember that late-2007 debate where she flip-flopped on some issue or another five times in the space of three minutes and twelve seconds?) that she wound up being the one who paved the way for Barack Obama's coronational processional.  Part of me (a small part) is still shocked at that.  Until the day O clinched the '08 Democrat nomination I was convinced, as I had been for several years previously, that the Donk ticket that year was going to be Rodham-Obama.  And you know what?  So was everybody else.  The idea of a Clinton....losing a presidential race was plainly and simply inconceivable.

And that was without a huge email scandal that Bob Woodward - one of the two Washington Post reporters along with Leonard Bernstein that first broke the Watergate story over forty years ago, so he qualifies as something of an authority on such things - compares unfavorably to the Nixon tapes.

But while Hillary is unquestionably a godawful presidential candidate, she surely is still a grand master of scandal coverup and "getting away with it," right?  Right?

Prepare to have your world turned upside down and inside out:

Hillary Clinton's private email server might have been backed up before being wiped clean, ABC News reports.

Platte River Networks, the Colorado company that set up [Mrs.] Clinton's server that she used....for government business, while secretary of state told ABC's Jonathan Karl that the server was likely backed up, making all of the emails on it recoverable, Karl reported Sunday on ABC's This Week. [emphases added]

Oh, and let's not leave out one more slobberknocker: The Obamedia is reporting it.  Looks like they want out of the Hillary Trap as well.

We are, apparently, to believe that (1) Mrs. Clinton hired a private IT firm that the Arkansas Mafia knew nothing about and (2) did not give them explicit instructions to both wipe the server AND PERFORM NO BACKUPS OF IT beforehand.  I find that unimaginable even if the Empress is completely computer illiterate.  Even if she didn't even know where to turn on a computer, how could she have neglected such Coverup 101 due diligence as to ensure that the emails she had deleted could never be recovered?  What was the point of having her staff painstakingly go through all sixty thousand odd emails from her quadrennium as Commissar of State and get rid of the thirty thousand odd incriminating ones only to have them surface like the Undead six months later when her campaign is already collapsing, due in no small part to the roaring implausibility of her attempts to laugh off Emailgate and her complete inability to put them over with the voting public?  Heck, how did she not order that server to be destroyed, as in packing it with a hundred pounds of C4 explosive and blowing it up like in a Mythbusters episode?

There's only one possible answer, folks: The server in the possession of Platte River Networks is not the server Hillary Clinton used to send those sixty thousand emails as Commissar of State.  It's a decoy.  Ditto the purported backup, which will show nothing but Weight Watcher solicitations, denture adhesive junkmail, and pics of her granddaughter.  Because they must have blown the real one to smithereens two years ago.  They had to have.  Because the Clintons don't make mistakes.

Do they?

PS: The Ugly Dutchess's theoretical maximum prison term is up to six centuries and counting.

UPDATE: Has Team Messiah decided to side with La Clinton Nostra?  That'd be the oddest couple since the 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact.  Although appropo, given that Joe Biden would be Poland in this equation....

UPDATE II: Make that theoretical maximum prison term three milennia and counting.

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