Sunday, August 23, 2015

Examiner Account Cancelled Due to Hate Speech

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I've been writing for a number of websites and print publications for years.  These include, but are not limited to, Canada Free Press, The Central Idaho Post, and Militia News.  Every once in a while other sites will also pick up my articles, such as The Christian PostKirk Cameron's website, and Constitution Rights Pac.  Canada Free Press has been publishing articles by me since 2009, and at about the time I began with Canada Free Press, I also began writing articles for

Though my bio page on Examiner is still there (for now), I am not.  I have been a solid writer with them since 2009.  But, things have changed at Examiner.  As writers, we were recently informed that the policies at Examiner have changed, and now, until you can prove you can be trusted, they will be reviewing each and every article to ensure it fits Examiner's terms of acceptability - which includes "no hate speech."  The article I was getting ready to publish, when I saw their note regarding the policy change, was The Constitution and the Christian Perspective, an article that examines our Natural Rights, and based on historical data reveals that our rights are defined as being God-given, and therefore God-defined.  Then, the article takes a stab at the recent Supreme Court ruling regarding marriage.  I submitted the article wondering how it would turn out with Examiner.  It was a great chance to see where they stand when it comes to keeping the press free, or silencing those that dare speak out against the greasy wheels that have convinced many members of the public that a sexual behavior and mental disorder is a civil right.

After a few days, I realized I was not going to get my most recent article published on the site.  I wrote off Examiner.  I knew at that time my submissions to Examiner were finished.  No problem.  My personal stock as a writer, and authority on the Constitution, both online and in the media, is growing in leaps and bounds, so if the Examiner wants to jump ship as I reach nationally recognized levels, that's fine.  Their loss, not mine.

Then, I got an email from Examiner.  Since the final sentence says: Confidentiality Notice - This message and its attachments are confidential and intended for the use of the addressee.  Any unauthorized dissemination, copying, or distribution of this communication is strictly prohibited. - I will just tell you basically what it says, rather than copy and paste the whole letter.

In the email Examiner informed me that they were thankful for my longtime contribution to Examiner, but they regret to inform me that they must terminate my status as an Examiner, effective immediately.  My account has been deactivated because "we feel that your content is not the right fit for at this time."

Funny, public schools tell me the same thing when it is requested by parents that I come in to speak at an assembly for Constitution Day.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that the reason I was terminated as a contributor to Examiner is because I dared to speak out against gay tyranny, and homosexuality's use of the force of law to compel their opposition into compliance or silence.

Here's the lesson.  If you are a baker and you refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual couple, you will be sued, lose your business, and go bankrupt.  If you work at a City Clerk's office and based on your religious beliefs, and claim of religious freedom, refuse to issue marriage licenses, you will be compelled to do so by the courts.  If you are a pizza restaurant owned by Christians, you will be targeted, and then when you choose not to cater to a gay wedding, you will be attacked, and lose everything.  If you are a pastor of a church, your sermons will be scrutinized to make sure you are not speaking out against homosexuality.  If you are a pastor of a church, to avoid being accused of discriminating against a sexual behavior and doing jail time for the refusal, and being forced to perform a gay wedding against your religious convictions, you may have to decide to stop performing "government" weddings altogether.  And, if you are a writer for Examiner, and you dare question the claims of the militant gay agenda, you will be terminated as a contributor, without any legal recourse possible.  However, by revealing this to you, the readers of Political Pistachio, and whatever other site picks up this article, Examiner (based on their "confidentiality" notice to me in the email) may decide to go after me legally. . . because that is what tyranny seeking to silence the opposition does.

Gay attacks on Christians, however, are allowed and encouraged, in the new America.  And gay bakers have no problem refusing to bake Christian cakes, and there is no legal danger for them if they refuse.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

JASmius said...

It said "dissemination, copying, or distribution". This post could constitute the first. The Associated Press uses the term "re-written," which is much clearer.