Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hillary "Hindenburg" Clinton

by JASmius

Yep, the server was wiped:

Platte River Networks has retained control of the old server since it took over management of the Clintons’ e-mail system. She said that the old server “was blank,” and no longer contained useful data.

“The information had been migrated over to a different server for purposes of transition,” from the old system to one run by Platte River, she said, recalling the transfer that occurred in June 2013.

“To my knowledge the data on the old server is not available now on any servers or devices in Platte River Network’s control.”

Supposedly the FBI has the forensic capabilities of "un-deleting" all the contents of Hillary's server.  Whether they'll actually do so is anybody's guess.  I tend to think that if they do, all they'll find is planted Potemkin messages about Chelsea's wedding plans and diet lamentations and who's got the best cookie recipes.  There's simply no way that Mrs. Clinton would cough up that server after refusing to do so for over five months if there was anything incriminating on it that could be recovered and used against her.  We must remember, yet again, that La Clinton Nostra is the world champion master at scandal coverups, and this email server isn't going to break that streak.

That's not preventing Her Nib from "lawyering up" - as though she's ever not in that mode:

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s most trusted confidante, is increasingly becoming a central figure in the email scandal that’s haunting her boss on the campaign trail, as Republicans and federal judges seek information about [Mrs.] Clinton’s communications while she was running the State Department.

The 2016 Democrat [presidential candidate] on Monday told a federal judge that Abedin — long considered her boss’s keeper and even dubbed her “shadow” — had her own email account on [Mrs.] Clinton’s now infamous home-brewed server, “which was used at times for government business,” [Mrs.] Clinton acknowledged. That’s an unusual arrangement, even for top brass at the State Department.

Abedin has hired a team of lawyers, one of whom is a former [Rodham] aide, who are responding to information requests from the courts and State. They’ve denied any wrongdoing on the part of their client and said Abedin is cooperating with requests for official emails in her possession, aiming to turn over all her correspondence by the end of August.

But her lawyers didn’t respond to questions about emails on [Mrs.] Clinton’s separate server.

The mission of this "team of lawyers," though, is not to defend Mrs. Weiner, or even Mrs. Clinton, who aren't in any actual legal jeopardy.  Their task is what it always is in Clinton scandal coverup operations: obfuscate, blow smoke, and counterattack.  If things get bad enough for the Empress, Abedin will, of course, be heaved overboard, and that "team of lawyers" won't lift another finger to save her, because she's not the one they've been hired to guard with their lives at all costs.  But I doubt things will get that bad.

Again, the danger to Mrs. Clinton isn't legal, it's political.  And that's what has the panic in Democrat ranks at being ensnared in the Hillary Trap reaching epic proportions:

Hillary Clinton's embattled presidential campaign scrambled Wednesday to calm supporters and fellow Democrats – and push back at suggestions the handoff of her private email server to the FBI is an admission of any wrongdoing.

And with new polls showing she is behind Senator Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire and her lead slipping in other early-voting States, Democrats are increasingly worried a long and protracted scandal could ruin the party's chances at the White House, reports the Hill.

“I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” one Democrat operative told the Hill, anonymously. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous.”

How ridiculous has it gotten?  Even MSNBC is coughing and gagging:

When Chuck Todd ("NBC News!") is unwittingly engaging in JASmius Echo Syndrome, you know the bloom has fallen off of Hillary's presidential rose.  And with the only remotely viable (and announced) alternatives being Bernie Sanders (who even leftwingnuts are conceding would lose forty-nine States) and Joe Biden (who probably wouldn't do even that well as representative of a third Obama term without the pigmentation), that leaves one of two possibilities....

....neither of them good for a resurrection of the Old American Republic.

But then, neither would Hillary Clinton.  The difference is, Castro could actually win, and Obama we'd be helpless to stop.

Maybe we should be rooting for the FBI to take its time.

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