Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Iranians Threatening IAEA To Prevent Side-Deal Disclosures

by JASmius

Remember how the Obama nuclear sellout to Iran has all those secret side-"deals" that the White House doesn't want anybody to find out about?  Remember also how all the "inspections" that the mullahs can preemptively veto are conducted by the International Atomic Energy Agency, not the U.S.?

Might this be an example of the reason for all this secrecy?:

Iranian leaders prevented a top International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) official from disclosing to U.S. officials the nature of secret side deals with the Islamic [Empire] by threatening harm to him, according to regional reports.

Yukiya Amano, IAEA director general, purportedly remained silent about the nature of certain side deals during briefings with top U.S. officials because he feared such disclosures would lead to retaliation by Iran, according to the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI).

Amano was in Washington recently to brief members of Congress and others about the recently inked nuclear accord. However, he did not discuss the nature of side deals with Iran that the United States is not permitted to know about. [emphasis added]

And yet we're a party to them.  We're a signatory of a deal whose terms are unknown to us.  And Congress is supposed to rubber-stamp this because "Trust me".  Does even The One know what's in these side deals?  It goes without saying that he doesn't care.

Iran apparently threatened Amano in a letter meant to ensure he did not reveal specific information about the nature of nuclear inspections going forward, according to Iranian AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi.

This disclosure has only boosted suspicions among some that the Iranians are willing and able to intimidate the top nuclear watchdog and potentially undermine the verification regime that Obama administration officials have dubbed a key component of the nuclear accord. [emphasis added]

You know, the one that gives the mullahs the right to ban inspections at their discretion.

So, in summation, there is no inspection regime because Iran can veto them at any time and any point, and if the IAEA starts "feeling frisky" about throwing around the "weight" they do not actually possess "on the ground," their inspectors all the way up to top IAEA officials might find themselves and/or their families getting blown up or thrown off of buildings or waking up with holes in their heads or even without their heads.

Aaaaaaand we're not allowed to know anything about it.  But we've already agreed to it.

There's no power like "smart power," huh?

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