Jeb Bush continues his "RINO pot calling the Democrat mole kettle not conservative" strategy apace, with predictably meager results:
Jeb Bush, the erstwhile GOP presidential front-runner, has taken a hammering from the new king, Donald Trump, for weeks, and now appears to be embracing a new strategy: fighting back.
The New York Times, in a story published online Monday, notes that the new effort was visible on Monday, when Bush toured the U.S. border with Mexico in McAllen, Texas, where he termed Trump's plan to deport all illegal [alien]s "unrealistic."
Which is true.
Trump's plans, Bush said, are un-Republican.
Aaaaaand that's not true, as the 2014 midterm exit polls attested.
Bush then borrowed a page from Trump, who often touts his best-selling The Art of the Deal as second only to the Bible, to suggest his rival read his own book, Immigration Wars, for ideas on how to better handle the immigration issue.
Trump’s plans "are not ground in conservative principles," Bush said....
Actually. they are, unless Jeb doesn't consider national sovereignty, the rule of law, and not draining citizenship of all meaning, value, and worth to be conservative principles.
....and would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. "It’s not realistic, it won’t be implemented."
But he is right about that.
Mass deportations will violate civil liberties and unnecessarily create friction with America's largest trading partner, the former Florida governor added.
Nope and nope, because illegal aliens, not being citizens, are not entitled to "civil liberties," and "America's largest trading partner" steals a large portion of that "trade" by sending its citizens northward illegally.
Trump, he added, is "a serious candidate and ought to be held what serious candidates are held to. He needs to be held to account for his views."
Actually, he's not a serious candidate, as his conduct and rhetoric promiscuously indicate. Which depressingly illustrates the madness that has gripped the GOP electorate.
You can see how this strategy is going to fail miserably. I'll say it again: Jeb Bush is the worst imaginable Republican candidate to be touting himself as more conservative than anybody, even a man who is a Donk plant. Still less credible is his attempt to pass off his leftwing immigration stance as being "conservative". And that's a shame, because Jeb is right about the Trump immigration plan being a fantasy that will never see the light of day. It evokes the old saying about "What you are speaks so loudly I can't hear a word you're saying".
But then it's not like Bush III can get out of his own way anyway, as his latest rhetorical rake-in-the-face howlingly highlights:
Jeb Bush learned the hard way that the term "anchor babies" isn't only offensive to Latinos, but also to the Asian community.
The former Florida governor, while trying to defend and clarify....
i.e. Backpedal from. Which doesn't exactly reinforce his new "attack Trump" strategy. Remember the old political adage: If you're explaining yourself, you're on the defensive.
....his use of the term during a speech Monday at the border town of McAllen, Texas, said that it's "ludicrous" for Democrats to slam him for it, reports CNN, because "frankly, it's more related to Asian people." [emphasis added]
What? Maybe in the late nineteenth century in California, perhaps, but today? What the hell is Jeb talking about? And more to the point, who is he trying to kid?
"What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed where there's organized efforts and, frankly, it's more related to Asian people coming into our country, having children in that organized efforts taking advantage of a noble concept which is birthright citizenship," Bush told the crowd.
And, of course, birthright citizenship is neither a "noble concept" nor a constitutional one.
"I support the 14th Amendment."
You can't support something you clearly don't understand, Jeb.
So let's add this up: Trump has passed, abused, and left Bush III in the dust. Jeb decided to take Trump on in his game, by his rules, on his turf. He then tried to sound tough on immigration by using the term "anchor babies" without any concept of even what the term means, fled for the tall grass as the first squawk of counter-criticism, and managed to piss off Asians in addition to Reconquistas, and both Trump and his Democrat allies are having a field day on his ass.
If Donald Trump is Al Czervik - and he is - Jeb Bush is Elihu Smails.
The resurrection of the Old American Republic hanging in the balance, and the best the Grand Old Party can come up with is remake of Caddyshack.
Kinda speaks for itself, doesn't it?
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