Thursday, August 06, 2015

Liberals Bringing Back Segregation

by JASmius

Think of it as black criminals' cop cafeteria.  Or, perhaps, "separate but equal" law non-enforcement:

But our fix is so simple that we’re kicking ourselves for not having thought of it before: policing made-to-order. [Colored citizens] should have the choice to interact with cops of the same racial or cultural background. In practical terms, it would look like this: An African-American driver is pulled over for, say, not signaling a lane change. The attending officer will, in the spirit of good public service, ask the driver if she’d be more comfortable with an African-American police officer. If so? Then the attending police officer calls it in and sits with the citizen until an African-American officer shows up.

Gee, what a nice, bucolic scenario.  Let me suggest another one to you, Mr. Robinson: An NFL nose tackle-sized "black youth" knocks over a convenience store, beating the bejeezus out of the little Apu behind the counter in the process.  The cop on the scene, who happens to be white, sees this crime happen in real time, and also sees that the suspect is escaping with his plunder.  The white police officer, in the spirit of good public service, politely asks the NFL nose tackle-sized "black youth" to stop and wait for him so that he can ask him if he'd prefer to be chased down by, and then turn and attack and almost murder with his own sidearm, an African-American police officer instead.  Meanwhile, the suspect has already gotten away, free to rob more convenience stores and assault more defenseless, innocent civilians.  But at least he's still alive, right?

Now let's say that the NFL nose tackle-sized "black youth," in the spirit of good public service, stops running, walks back over to the white cop, politely replies that yes, he would prefer to have an African-American police officer pursue him, and they both sit and wait pleasantly for that handoff to take place.  But how many African-American police officers does that particular police department have on their force?  Would any be available at that particular point in time?  If so, how long it would it take one to arrive?  And if not, what are the suspect and the white cop supposed to do in the mean time?  Play pinochle?  And if there was an African-American police officer available and he showed up, would the chase resume, like the end of a time-out in football?  And would the African-American police officer have the carte blanche to bludgeon or shoot the NFL nose tackle-sized "black youth" that the white cop was denied because THAT would have been "racist"?  Or is the presumption that the African-American police officer will make the "right" call and let the NFL nose tackle-sized "black youth" go for the sake of "racial justice"?

And does that cop cafeteria angle cut both ways?  What if a white guy sticks up a liquor store and is then fleeing from an African-American police officer; can he stop and tell the African-American police officer to order up a white cop instead?


I think Mr. Robinson has been watching too many old Dick Tracy cartoons.....

....and drinking from too many drinking fountains, if you know what I mean.

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