Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mars Has Women?

by JASmius

A bit of a palate cleanser for a heavily busy Tuesday afternoon, and as stark an example you will ever see of both the human compulsion to anthropomorphize and pagans' militant wishful insistance on seeing things that simply are not there:

Is a woman standing on a rock in Mars watching the Curiosity Rover as it collects data from the Red Planet?

That's what the UFOSightingsDaily.com suspects is happening in an image released by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory taken in July.

"Its hard to tell if this is a living being, or a statue of a being from long ago," the UFO website wrote.

"However, a statue that small would be eroded and destroyed easily, so it has a higher chance of being a living being.

"Also it is facing the Mars rover ... watching it from a distance," it adds. "This looks real. And it should concern every country in the world. There is life out there."

Remember the famous "face on Mars" that the Viking orbiter "saw" back in the '70s?

Remember what it looked like several decades later with better optics and resolution?:

In other words, THERE IS NO "WOMAN" ON MARS.  Nor any alien skulls or mollusks or salamanders or flying saucers....and no life of any sort.

For all you die-hard "Martians" out there, I've got just one word for ya: "Photoshop".


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