Saturday, August 15, 2015

Meet Barack Obama, Torturer Of Muslims

by JASmius

If it still actually is possible to set the threshold bar for defining "torture" so ridiculously low that even most leftwingnuts explode in hysterical laughter beyond their ability to angrily contain it, I think we're knocking on that particular door:

After a suspected militant was captured in Libya last year to face charges for the deadly 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, he was brought to the U.S. aboard a Navy transport ship on a thirteen-day trip that his lawyers say could have taken thirteen hours by plane.

So instead of flying in first class comfort, this jihadist enjoyed a leisurely sea cruise, instead.  How CRUEL of The One!  Why, I bet kids had peed in the swimming pool!  The entertainment was probably just a karaoke bar!  And they probably made him play shuffleboard every day, too!

Ahmed Abu Khattala faced days of questioning aboard the USS New York from separate teams of American interrogators, part of a two-step process designed to obtain both national security intelligence and evidence usable in a criminal prosecution.

Oh, my, yes, the shuffleboard is a certainty, at the very least.

The case, still in its early stages, is focusing attention on an interrogation strategy that the Obama administration has used in just a few recent terrorism investigations and prosecutions. Abu Khattala's lawyers already have signaled a challenge to the process, setting the stage for a rare court clash over a tactic that has riled civil liberties groups but is seen by the government as a vital and appropriate tool in prosecuting suspected terrorists captured overseas.

I'm sorry, the red haze zoned me out after "Abu Khattala's lawyers".  Can you repeat the rest of that, please?

"I think they view it as important to show that terrorists can be prosecuted in U.S. courts....

Without, of course, explaining why we would want to do that instead of just (really) torturing the information out of them and then throwing them down a mine shaft - as is permitted by international law for illegal enemy combatants, remember.

....and this is an attempt to find a compromise between using people they capture as intelligence assets and prosecuting them in U.S. courts," said David Deitch, a former Justice Department terrorism prosecutor. "It's a very hard balance to strike — and may not be possible."

Because compromises never work on emotionally charged issues, and besides, the Left never compromises on anything, EVER.  That "Abu Khattala's lawyers" are challenging even their client's luxury cruise is redundant howling proof.

I'm a little baffled at the form this purported "compromise" took, though:

The administration has turned to questioning in international waters as an alternative to past practices in which suspects were sent to the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, or secret CIA prisons.

As though the location in which the "torture" was carried out would make the slightest bit of difference to the militant jihadi-symps.

The process ordinarily begins with questioning from a specialized team of interrogators who collect intelligence that can inform government decisions, such as for drone strikes, but cannot be used in court. Then a team of FBI investigators starts from scratch, advising the detainee of his Miranda rights, such as the right to remain silent, and gathering statements that prosecutors can present as evidence in a trial.

And the Regime doesn't think that jihadists know about the "Miranda rights" part?  If you were Ahmed Abu Khattala, why would you say anything, knowing that the reading of your rights (that you would not actually possess) was coming sooner or later and just preemptively clam up?  You'd know the Americans aren't going to waterboard you or use any remotely coercive interrogation technique on you.  Heck, you'd be lying on a lawn chair poolside with an umbrellaed margarita in your hand.  What would they do to you?  Pee in it?

And even THAT is considered "unfair" and "coercive" and "torturous" by the jihadi-symps.  But then, so would be conviction and imprisonment.  No, the only standard of "fair treatment" for the enemy these people will accept is setting them free to return to the Global Jihad against us.  Because it's okay if Islamic Fundamantalists brutalize and slaughter Americans (which, "officially," never happens), but Allah forbid that we ever resist them and fight back.

I've got the perfect place to "interrogate" Mr. Abu Khattala, if O is interested: Hillary Clinton's basement in Chappaqua, New York.  There'd be plenty of room to install a luxury guest suite, complete with jacuzzi, since her email server was removed.

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