Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Oath Keepers Deploy To Ferguson

by JASmius

It's only four of them, and only to protect a report from infowars.com.  But to #BlackLivesMatter and the rest of the Black Klan, I can only point out that you said you wanted a war; don't complain if you actually end up with one:

Four civilians carrying automatic rifles and sidearms patrolled a riot-torn street in Ferguson, Missouri, early Tuesday, saying they were there to protect a media organization but drawing swift criticism from police and protesters alike.

The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.

The men identified themselves as part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the Constitution.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group," and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.

"Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory," he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws.

The Ferguson Police and entire Missouri criminal justice system are completely whipped, cowed and intimidated into submission by the black insurrectionists who have been allowed to run wild after the latest shooting melee with law enforcement that was provoked by a black suspect, fresh from an inter-gang gun battle with a rival faction, shooting at plainclothes police detectives without provocation - hardly anything resembling the shooting of an "unarmed black youth" (and even that was a lie).  Just as in Baltimore, where the cops have also been effectively ordered not to do their jobs, when police are withdrawn, the criminal element will have free reign, and residents will have to defend themselves.  Which is where Oath Keepers is coming in.

It's simply what happens when a civilized society purposely choose to no longer be civilized: the law of the jungle has to return if massacres are to be averted.

If you don't believe me, maybe this quote will persuade you:

The scene changed dramatically after dark with dozens of protesters converging on West Florissant Avenue, which bore the brunt of last summer’s rioting, chanting “Shut it down” in the midst of a severe thunderstorm.

A phalanx of helmeted police wearing body armor and carrying shields moved in. Protesters briefly fell away before regrouping to confront the line of officers, who ordered them to disperse.

The protesters, locking arms and edging closer to the police cordon, began throwing water bottles and shouting, “We are ready for war!” Both sides held their ground while clergy members and activists circulated between the two sides appealing for calm. [emphasis added]

Maybe some of the "protesters" really are peaceful locals.  But they're not the ones that matter, because they're not the ones that are escalating the situation, which is the reason Oath Keepers has deployed to Ferguson.

I find myself reminded of something Scott Hall once said.

And who benefits the most from an American race war?  You know who.


mishami5 said...

Oath Keepers are nothing more then white terrorists and should be arrested immediately like ISIS

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Oath Keepers are a patriotic organization that believes in the restoration of the Constitution, and understands the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Terrorists? Hardly. Mishami5, go to a few meetings before you begin to pop off about things you don't understand. I am a regular public speaker at Oath Keeper events.

JASmius said...

You want to ***arrest*** ISIS? Not wipe them out as the bloodthirsty vermin they are? And you're equating them to Oath Keepers? Are you a visitor from another timeline or just another planet?

Although I will give you this much credit for accuracy: The four OKers were white....