Monday, August 03, 2015

Obama Navy To Prosecute Chattanooga Defender

by JASmius

It's a pity that Mohammed Youseff Abdulazeez didn't survive his shooting spree in Chattanooga, Tennessee a few weeks ago; not only would he not have been charged with anything (because shooting up "gun-free" military recruiting offices while bellowing "Allahu Akbar!!!" is a Muslim's constitutional right under the First Amendment's religious liberties clause) but he could have been the state's star witness against the Naval officer who "broke the law" by bravely defending his fellow defenseless comrades from this enemy attack:

A Navy official told Fox News that punishing a lieutenant commander who used an unauthorized weapon to fire back at the Chattanooga gunman who shot and killed five service members could not be “completely ruled out,” and two high-profile former military officers, including presidential candidate Jim Webb, say the Navy is at least seriously considering charging the man.

The Navy said in a statement that it had not charged any service members with an offense at the present time.

“Stories of Navy personnel being charged with an offense are not true,” the statement said. “There is still a long way to go in reviewing the facts of this tragic incident, but at this time we can confirm no service member has been charged with an offense.”

Military personnel are not allowed to carry weapons inside military recruiting and reserve stations. That ban is now facing scrutiny following the July 16th rampage by an Islamic [Fundamental]ist that killed five military members in Tennessee. [emphases added]

Logic would suggest that the Navy would prosecute Commander White if they could do so without attracting undue publicity.  Since this potential outrage to end all outrages has now already gotten significant publicity, that same logic would indicate that they'll just slap him on the wrist and let it go.  But this is the Obama Regime we're talking about.  The same Obama Regime that ordered all U.S. forces in Libya to stand down on September 11th, 2012 and let the Benghazi consulate be sacked by al Qaeda and all diplomatic personnel be slaughtered.  The same Obama Regime that, when Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods violated those morally obscene orders and defended the Benghazi compound anyway, deliberately abandoned then to be massacred with Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith for their insubordination while their commander-in-chief watched it happen, in real time, with a satisfied smirk on his face.  Because nobody, BUT NOBODY, defies King Hussein and gets away with it.

O can't have Commander White shot - at least not yet - but he can have him prosecuted, convicted, busted back to yeoman, or cashiered and stockaded.  And will.

Exit question: If Commander White "came out of the closet," would that get the Navy to forego criminal charges?  I bet it would.

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