But it's still irrelevant:
American voters oppose 57% – 28%, with only lukewarm support from Democrats and overwhelming opposition for Republicans and independent voters, the nuclear pact negotiated with Iran, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
Voters say [by] 58% – 30% the nuclear pact will make the world less safe, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.
Opposing the Iran deal are Republicans 86% – % and independent voters 55% – 29%, while Democrats support it 52% – 32%. There is little gender gap as men oppose the deal 59% – 30% and women oppose it 56% – 27%.
The poll results are just as dismal for the Regime generally:
Obama approval rating: 43/52
Right Track/Wrong Track: 27/73
Obamaconomy: 44/53
Obama foreign policy: 39/55
Obama Iran policy: 35/56 (and only two thirds of Democrats)
In essence, the country is more bitterly and partisanly divided than ever, with Democrats prioritizing their tribal loyalties above anything and everything else - even their own political and physical survival.
But, again, what the people think doesn't matter one leaf off the fig tree. Obama wanted his "foreign policy legacy" and he's going to shove it down our throats whether, and especially, whether we like it or not.
Which helps explain this exchange from last week:
Congressman [Reid] Ribble (R-WI8): “Thank you, Secretary Kerry, earlier in the hearing today you said that if the Congress rejects the deal, countries in the future will not trust negotiating with the U.S. State Department because they are now negotiating with 535 individual Members of Congress. For 228 years, the Constitution provided a way out of that mess by allowing treaties with the advice and consent of sixty-seven U.S. Senators. Why is this not considered a treaty?
[Commissar] Kerry: “Well Congressman, I spent quite a few years trying to get a lot of treaties through the United States Senate, and frankly it’s become physically impossible. That’s why. Because you can’t pass a treaty anymore and it’s become impossible to you know schedule, it’s become impossible to pass, and I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics. Sir, I think that’s the reason why.”
As Ribble put it in a news release: Kerry admitted this matter should have been presented to the Senate as a treaty to be ratified but wasn’t because the administration knew the votes weren’t there. [emphases added]
And Congress under Barack Obama's form of government exists to serve two purposes: Rubber-stamping everything O does and serving as his studio audience of trained seals every January at SOTU time. They weren't going to cooperate this time, so The One just called his treaty a "deal" and is implementing it anyway. This even after Senate Republicans coughed up their Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 ratification power.
Who says Obamunists can't be transparent? Their contempt for the rest of us usually is.
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