With forward page from and dedication page to Barack Hussein Obama, the man who is making it all possible:
Supreme ruler Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran has published a book on how to destroy Israel, arguing that his position is based on "well-established Islamic principles."
The 416-page book is entitled Palestine, the New York Post reports. An item on the books' back cover describes Khamenei as "The flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem."
And Obama, no doubt, as his gawky, Urkelesque caddy.
The book is only available in Iran, the Post reported Saturday.
Why, Ali? I'm sure it would become an instant best-seller over here. Especially among American Jews. Or is the hundred billion dollars O has already given you sufficient for your purposes?
From the outset, Khamenei makes clear that Israel does not have a right to exist as a state.
He crystalizes his argument with three key words throughout the book, according to the Post.
They are "nabudi," which means "annihilation"; "imha," meaning "fading out"; and "zaval," which means "effacement."
The ayatollah also described Israel as "adou" and "doshman" — or "enemy" and "foe," the Post reports.
And "we" have guaranteed that this demoniac regime will have nuclear weapons, if they don't already, which I've always believed they do.
Can't wait for the Fox News Alert.
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