Friday, August 14, 2015

White Flag Hoisted @ U.S. Embassy In Havana

by JASmius

One of John Kerry's proudest moments, I'm sure.  Which would make it all the funnier if the Cubans captured him and his party and held them hostage in order to force Barack Obama and/or the GOP Congress to lift the economic embargo.  Surely the Castros would have nothing to fear in terms of any rescue attempts or other military action.  Heck, Fidel practically telegraphed it the other day.

It falls to a man who, shall we say, has some skin in that game to remind us anew what a terrible, terrible mistake this whole kowtowing to Havana is and how it guarantees we'll get nothing back in return beyond Lurch's selfies because we've forfeited all our leverage:

The American flag may be going up on the U.S. Embassy in Havana, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio says the Castro government has sent a clear message to its citizens: Nothing is going to change.

And why should they, since Obama has richly rewarded the Castros for their continued despotism?

The Cuban government has "basically pocketed all of these concessions that the president has made," Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, said Thursday on Fox News Channel's The Kelly File.

"This weekend alone they rounded up and arrested upwards of ninety or so dissidents," Rubio said. "They beat people up on Sunday of this week. The Cubans have said flat out, not only is nothing going to change."

If the Obama White House would at least come out and say that they don't care a whit about Cuban freedom fighters and dissidents and are allied with the Castro regime, their actions would at least be honest and logically consistent.  Especially seeing as how that's pretty much the actual case.  But, of course, they can't, won't, be honest about their true stance, insisting that "feeding the ravenous lion" will somehow bribe it into becoming a docile lamb.  "Engagement" is the diplodiddler term, as I recall.  It's never worked, ever, anywhere, with any enemy, but jaw-jawers aren't interested in what works or in advancing U.S. national interests; for them pumping the air full of useless words is an end in itself, and its own proof of "success".

The reality is that invasion and regime-change is better than "engagement," because the former is free of moral compromises, actually advances U.S. national interests, and actually works, particularly in providing the freedom to indigenous freedom fighters and dissidents that they have so long sought.  It's their jailers who wind up in jail, or, preferably, dead.  And nobody can convince me that liberating Cuba would be or ever has been more than a minor operation, post-Cold War.

Speaking of which, leave us not forget, the Russians are building new military bases on that island ninety miles off our shores.

When I said yesterday that an embargo "deal" would secretly include providing the Castros with nuclear weapons, I was not kidding.

The triggers are probably concealed in Lurch's crutch.

UPDATE: Senator Rubio is pledging to break off O's newly reestablished diplomatic relations with the Castros if he's elected POTUS.  Which he won't be, but perhaps Vice President Rubio can persuade President Walker to do so.  Shouldn't be too difficult, I would think.

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