Friday, October 16, 2015

Federal Prison Pork Ban Revoked

by JASmius

Because the power of bacon evidently exceeds even that of Barack Hussein Obama:

Just one week after the federal Bureau of Prisons banned pork products from its 122 prisons, pork roast will return to the dinner lines, officials said Friday.

The reversal came just hours after Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, who represents the farm-strong state of Iowa, wrote to complain about the decision.

“The pork industry is responsible for 547,800 jobs, which creates $22.3 billion in personal incomes and contributes $39 billion to the gross domestic product,” Grassley wrote to Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr., reports the Washington Post, complaining that the "unprecedented" decision to take away pork could harm Americans employed in the industry.

The reversal wasn't because of Grassley.  It was because there would have been mass prison riots otherwise.

Grassley chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees federal prisons, and said he was skeptical of claims made by a spokesman for the Bureau of Prisons, who said a survey showed pork was the inmates' lowest-rated food.

Ross said that during the past two years, bacon, pork chops, and sausage had been removed from the prison menus, and only one dish, pork roast, had remained, and will now come back.

Bacon, pork chops, and sausage will return right on the heels of pork roast, and for the exact same reason.

Take that, Muzzies!

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