As we have documented here over the past month, the national and individual State trends of the Republican presidential race from Donald Trump towards Ben Carson are already well-established, and that was before the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey showed the good doctor with his biggest national lead yet:
Ben Carson is the new leader in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, pulling ahead of longtime front-runner Donald Trump by six points, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll reports.
It's the first time since June that Trump did not hold the top spot in the survey.
Here are the results:
Ben Carson: 29%
Donald Trump: 23%
Marco Rubio: 11%
Ted Cruz: 10%
Jeb Bush: 8%
All other candidates have less than 3% support.
The direction of the GOP contest is unmistakable. Ben Carson is the Republican front-runner. Donald Trump is a growingly-distant second, slowly fading from the glory of the "Summer of Trump" that buoyed him in those sunny, warm, and unserious days past. It would appear that while the Republican electorate is still tetched in the head about neophytes being a better choice than experienced candidates for the job of leading the f'ing country, more and more of them are regaining enough cognition to recognize that the nation in which they live isn't the United States of Celebrity Apprentice.
Which makes this Reuters/Ipsos poll what we call in the opinion surveying business an "outlier":
Donald Trump is the Republican candidate most trusted to manage the economy, deal with foreign leaders and serve as commander in chief, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll of Republicans conducted after the party's third debate.
And more Republicans would trust him with the nation's nuclear weapons than most of the rest of their party's presidential primary field.

Sorry, I forgot, Barack Obama will have completely eliminated the U.S. nuclear stockpile by then.
In terms of overall support, Trump was favored by 31% of Republicans polled by Reuters/Ipsos in an online survey conducted October 28th to November 2nd that had a credibility interval of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson placed second with 18%. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and former Governor Jeb Bush tied for third place with 10% each.
For anyone still confused about why Trump is holding strong onto a double-digit lead in most presidential primary polls, look no farther than at how much Republican voters trust him. The growing trust shows Trump's campaign message - that his experience in business means voters should pick him to negotiate trade deals or take on Russia's Vladimir Putin - is resonating. [emphasis added]
In Reuters' pants, maybe. Or perhaps the parallel quantum history they're inhabiting. No other national poll over the past several weeks has shown Trump regaining a double-digit national lead. That, along with the fact that it was an online poll in which Tea Party Trumpsters gave themselves carpal tunnel and wore out multiple mice voting is a very good indicator that this survey passed lingeringly through the Reuters/Ipsos alimentary tract before being excreted into this Reuters in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. Geez, if Reuters can get off their knees and let The Donald zip up now, maybe he can make it to his next campaign stop only fashionably late.
And you wonder why I say that Trump is a Democrat.
UPDATE: Sorry, forgot today's punchline:
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ripped into his Republican rivals today, saying Ben Carson doesn’t have the experience or the temperament to be president.
“It’s not his thing. He doesn’t have the temperament for it,” the New York real estate mogul told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America. “I think Ben just doesn’t have the experience.” [emphasis added]
Pot, kettle....well, you know.
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