Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Original Formula

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

America began as a radical experiment, and after a century of growing pains the once third world work in progress emerged as the greatest republic in the history of humankind.  A super power.  The shining beacon on the hill.  The original formula was no accident, nor has been the destructive path of liberal left statism away from the principles and philosophies the American System was founded upon.

The architects of the United States Constitution learned from experience, their own history, and the history of other civilizations.  They searched through history not only for success stories, but also for the causes of failure.  Common threads were seen.  Common themes resonated.  The blueprint for a successful civilization was created based upon known concepts and ideas.

Human Nature, not just of individuals, but of groups, was taken into consideration.  What are the tendencies of individuals and a collective when faced with certain parameters?  How do people react?  What do people desire and how can they be incentivized?  Why does tyranny rise, and what fuels authoritarianism?

The conclusion?

Liberty is fostered by individualism, free markets, and localism.

Government is a necessary evil.  In order to live in an orderly society we need to have certain agreements as individuals on a set of rules so we do not interfere with each other's natural rights.  The agreement as a society we have to live in an orderly fashion is called a "social contract."  The contract is often unspoken and unwritten; but, sometimes, the rule of law is put in writing.  In the case of the United States, that written social contract is the United States Constitution.

A division of power and authorities are expressly established by the Constitution.  The federal government has its role clearly laid out, as does the States.  The federal government is authorized to handle external issues such as war, trade, protecting our trade routes, and securing the border.  The States' powers include all internal issues that concern the operation of the States and the cities, and the local issues that concerns the citizens and their interactions with each other.  The federal government is expressly prohibited from passing any laws or making any judgments regarding our natural rights, and the States are prohibited from using any kind of armed troops except in cases where they are being invaded, or feel that invasion is inevitable.

In the case of disputes between the States, the federal government can act as a mediator between the States to resolve the dispute, first through legislation.

That's it.  It is a simple formula.  External issues to the federal government, internal issues to the State governments, and in both cases the governments are supposed to be involved in the lives of the citizens as little as possible.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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