Monday, January 02, 2017

Comedic Racism

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I was cruising through the channels on television.  I don't watch a lot of television, aside from sports.  I am an avid football and baseball fan.  Sometimes, I will throw one of the news networks on my boob-tube.  But, during this particular session of television watching, I was just looking for something, anything, different from my normal viewing habits.  I landed on Comedy Central.

A good laugh is a good thing.  Today's comedians, however, don't make me laugh, for the most part.  They rely too much on shocking the audience, profanity, and sex jokes while simultaneously dancing around political correctness (especially if they are white).  A part of what makes good humor entertaining is that there is a shot-glass full of reality in it.  There are plenty of great comedians in history that were clean and funny.  We love to laugh at ourselves.  But, today, everyone is too worried about being offended that comedy has been handcuffed, so it depends upon being raunchy.

That's why I stopped at Comedy Central.  "Roast Battle".  What a great concept.  Insult comedy.  There will be no pulling punches, here.  "There will be no political correctness in this battle," I thought to myself.

Now, that said, what you are about to read is not a crybaby session.  I can't be offended.  I don't allow other people to have that kind of control over my emotions.  What I am going to tell you about what I observed during the Roast Battle episode I watched is for the purpose of showing how it really was a pretty good representation of what is going on today in our society.  Also, race will be a key part of this observation, not because I care so much about race, but because it seems our culture does, and I want to point out to you the hypocrisies and strange loops we experience when it comes to race and racial division in our culture - as portrayed by the Roast Battle I watched.

The battle was between a heavy set black woman, Yamaneika Saunders, and a tall, skinny white guy, J.P. McDade.

The judges were supposedly well-known comedians.  A couple faces seemed familiar, but I really didn't know any of them.  Four of them were white, and one was black.

For the most part Yamaneika's jokes were mostly about J.P. being a white guy, and she threw into the mix a distasteful Sandy Hook joke.  J.P. was much more creative, though not necessarily funnier, and until the end of his delivery he danced around whether or not to insert her body size or color of skin into the mix.  The white judges split 2-2 in their vote, leaving the tie-breaker to the black judge.  He voted for Yamaneika.  

A part of what we saw in the battle was if the black woman was racist or sexist, that was perfectly fine.  The white guy knew better than to journey into that kind of territory.

Am I racist for bringing up that the welfare system replaced dad in the black community?  That the federal government pays minorities to remain poor and to have no incentive to better their lives?  That the abortion industry targets minorities by putting most of their abortion centers in big city communities?  Is it racist to indicate that Margaret Sanger's (founder of Planned Parenthood) dream to kill off "human weeds" is very successful from a eugenics point of view, and you can see how successful it has been for Democrat Party racists by the fact that more black babies in New York City are aborted, than born live?

Why is it that it was funny that Yamaneika was racist as hell against the white guy, but the white guy better not go there?

Among the liberal left minorities, the understanding is that only white people can be racist.  Racism by anyone else is not racism.

Conservatives talk about race not because we really care about it, but because the accusation of racism is always thrown in our face by the liberal left. . . when facts show that racism actually runs rampant throughout the Democrat Party.  Class warfare, and racial division, is their primary strategy.

But, that was racist of me to say, wasn't it.

When I was on Al Jazeera, they asked me about my involvement in the Immigration protests in Murrieta in July of 2014.  "Is this a racial thing or an anti-immigration thing?"

I am a white, conservative, so surely, they must have been thinking, "he's either racist, or against immigration."  From their point of view, they figured, "how could it be anything else?  Especially since this guy is a white, male, Republican?"

My answer stunned them.

"Neither."  I then explained how my wife if Mexican, was born in Mexico, immigrated here legally, and naturalized in 2007.  She's actually more conservative on this issue than I am.

That confused them.

I'm white.  Surely, my stance must be because I am a racist.

My wife was a Trump supporter before I was.  He won her support when he talked about building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.  Illegal immigration is a slap in her face.  She went through the process legally, and she refuses to call herself a Mexican.  She's an American.

"If my dad wanted us to be Mexicans, we would have stayed in Mexico," she says.

In short, my message is, "Yamaneika, you are not funny.  You depend on racism to make a joke.  How about you figure out how to be funny through well thought-out jokes that uses life in general."

One time Sinbad was talking about how his mom sent him to his room to wait for dad to come home to discipline him with a spanking.  Dad walked in, and said, "What are you crying for, boy?  I ain't hit you, yet."

That made me laugh.  I could relate to it.  The joke was about life, which is something we can all usually laugh at.

Then again, I am thinking that joke would not be allowed, nowadays.  Spankings are now considered child abuse. . . which explains why we have a bunch of snowflakes who are offended by everything, except racism against whites.  Give them a trophy.  They participated.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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