Monday, September 04, 2017

Anti-Trump Arrogance is Actually Anti-Conservative Arrogance

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

"How could you possibly support that racist," screamed someone at me from their car in the next lane, after getting a load of my "Trump" bumper sticker.

The fact is, it didn't matter who won the election.  The Alinsky-style political combat was being prepared for whoever became President, no matter who it was, if it was anyone other than Hillary Clinton.

Karl Marx said that, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism," and that is what the liberal left socialist commie progressive Democrats are shooting for.  They are obsessed in their opposition to anything Republican, conservative, and not-liberal because they want a single-party system where there is no opposition, nor is there any history of anything other than what they want you to believe and think.

Tear down the statues, rewrite the history books, and retell the news in a manner only approved by the leftist elites.

The interesting thing is that in their arrogance they are projecting themselves onto their declared opposition, and expect us not to notice that their claims of fascism, authoritarianism and bigoted racism against the "right-wing" is actually the liberal left socialist statist elites speaking about themselves.

"He's among the most unpopular presidents ever," another liberal Democrat once shouted at me.  Realize, that's coming from a member of a political ideology who was 100% convinced that Hillary Clinton was heir-apparent for the presidential throne.

If you couldn't believe THOSE polls, what makes you think THESE polls are even close to accurate?  President Trump is likely over 50% in his approval, but the media would rather you believe that achieving political approval is only possible if you move to the center, and you cater to racial groups individually through identity politics.  Appealing to "Americans" in general is racist, I hear.  That's the source of Trump's bigotry, they say.  Trump hates immigrants, therefore, everyone who voted for him are a bunch of xenophobes.

Problem is, their premise is based on a false assumption.  Immigration is a wonderful thing. Immigrants are people who desire to come to the United States, apply for that privilege, and then go through the legal process that is in place so that they may achieve their dream.  I love immigrants.  My wife is an immigrant.  Trump's wife is an immigrant!

Illegal aliens are not immigrants. They are federal fugitives who broke the law and refused to follow immigration protocols that are in place largely in order to protect the receiving population from disease, criminals, or other persons who do not pose as a safe entrant into the United States.

Jim Acosta tried to accost Trump with an attack of his own, not long ago.  The CNN correspondent shot out, “This whole notion of they have to learn English before they get to the United States, are we just going to bring in people from Great Britain and Australia?”

Stephen Miller, the Trump spokesperson of the moment, first educated Acosta regarding the ignorance of his remark, and then called the Democrat Party Media's attitude towards people a "soft bigotry of low expectations."  He basically slammed the leftist media for their arrogant attitude of elitism.  They expect the downtrodden to be idiots, and to fail, therefore, in their arrogance they must be the saviors with big government to save the downtrodden from making it worse on themselves.

Cosmopolitan smugness.  The blacks and Hispanics of this country, according to the liberal left Democrats, are too feeble to help themselves, therefore, the elite arrogant political class must pay them to stay poor, otherwise, they'll live even worse than that if they try to take care of themselves.  Equal misery, after all, is better than failing when you try to make a better life for yourself. . . because, according to the Democrats, you will fail. . . unless you are a part of the "1%".  It is their task, the job of the political elite, to force society to take care of you. Then, if you are still miserable on the Democrat Plantation that has been provided for you through government benefits and entitlements, it's not the fault of the government, it's the fault of the people who aren't miserable.  They have somehow stolen your opportunity to have a higher minimum wage, or an automatic living condition, and must be forced through government mandate and a redistribution of wealth to either pay for your comfort, or be miserable with you.

“This is an amazing moment,” said Stephen Miller to Acosta, “that you think only people from Great Britain or Australia would speak English is so insulting to millions of hardworking immigrants who do speak English from all over the world.”

English, for example, is the language of aviation.  If you are an aviator from any country, if you are going to deal with an airport, you better know English.  That said, 54 sovereign countries in the world have English as their official language.

The Democrats (and leftist establishment Republicans), from Mr. Acosta's point of view, are there to save the day because everyone else is too stupid to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.  The leftist elite are society’s all-knowing benefactors, there to teach, guide, engineer socially, and make sure everyone is equally miserable because unequally (because of a difference in talents and breaks and reality, not the factors the liberal left claims are in place) successful and free is just not acceptable to them.

The big cities have been under leftist Democrat control for decades, and even nearly a century in some cases.  Are they better off?  Are the members of those dysfunctional communities doing well?  Success is not exactly a major export of Democrat controlled areas of the country, unless someone like a Ben Carson or Larry Elder work their tales off to break out of the Democrat Party controlled city plantations.

Overbearing and incompetent government bureaucracy has robbed these people of their liberty.
“In the inner-cities, where we have food deserts (zones where mainstream grocery outlets have removed their stores), those people have never experienced liberty.  They don’t know what liberty is, and from what they’ve been told, they don’t want it.”
The words by the black pastor from Ohio lingered in my mind.  I feared the task ahead of me may be more like teaching a person blind from birth the magnificence of the colors of a rainbow. 
“They don’t know what they don’t know.”
Their American Liberty has been stolen from them.  The promise of government dependence has sucked every last ounce of hope from the people in the inner-cities.  They don't know that Republicans (theoretically) are for limited government and more freedom; that a free market economy grows the financial pie for everyone.  Liberty is not a bad word.

Instead, the failures of progressive politics who have doomed the cities with their failed leftists strategies now want to do the same to the entire country, and they ridicule anyone who dares to stand in their way as racists and bigots and fascists.  The truth is, it is the liberal left who are the racists and bigots and fascists.  In history, it was the dictators and fascists and socialists and communists who wished to control health care, manage foreign policy with a appeasement-born style, and it was those authoritarians in history who wanted to determine who gets to succeed and who should be on the government dole.  It is the Democrat Party's history that supported slavery, Jim Crow laws, created the KKK, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and have been colluding with Russia all along.  It was Ted Kennedy who worked with the KGB to try and stop Ronald Reagan's second term.  It was Bill and Hillary Clinton who sold Russia uranium in exchange for speeches and cash and so forth, and Bill Clinton who sold our military secrets to China.


Because they have a lot in common with the fascists, communists, socialists, white nationalists, and everyone else they claim they hate. . . because like all of the boogeymen the liberal left claim are "alt-right," and like every authoritarian statist in the last couple centuries, the Democrats hate something that goes way beyond Trump or any Republican. They hate America as it was founded.  They hate Christians and are willing to destroy them for daring to oppose them.  They hate the sanctity of life and are willing to appeal to our children to keep their ritualistic sacrifice of innocent human blood legal.  They are willing to welcome an enemy who openly proclaims they hate America through the guise of "saving refugees," and falsely claiming "it's good for us" to damage their opposition and the American System.  They say they support free speech, as long as it doesn't disagree with them.  They are willing to coddle mental illness and use taxpayer money to fund genital mutilation to get votes and destroy America's moral compass.  They are even willing to use mob-violence to block emergency services, allowing people to die, or telling the police to "stand-down" for a false flag maneuver in Charlottesville, to get their way.  They even have sacrificed our children's education (and when I say leftists, I mean those in the GOP as well) in order to destroy the American System and hand it over to a scheme of centralized group-think governance.  They hate freedom, limited government, a free-market economic system and God's definition of equality (rather than Marx's).  In truth, their smug arrogance is the arrogance of past kings and dictators who thought they could destroy America. . . and lost.  In the end, the truth is, the enemy is within, and we still haven't figured out that the liberal left is waging war against us.  We keep trying to convince ourselves it's not that serious, that it's simply a political misunderstanding, or difference in opinion.

We see it as a simple disagreement.  They see it as an all-out revolution for the soul of America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Rod said...
