Thursday, September 07, 2017

Mike Morrell: California Democrats Protecting Criminals with Sanctuary State Proposal

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The Democrats call the fight an "immigration issue," while Republicans say that those who cross the border illegally are not immigrants, they are illegal aliens.  Federal Law indicates it is illegal to cross the border without going through the proper protocols and/or channels (depending upon your status), with the first illegal crossing being a misdemeanor.  Any subsequent illegal entry into the United States, after the first offense, is a felony.  It is also a crime for individuals to harbor illegal aliens. So, based on the laws on the books, entering the United States without following proper procedures is a crime, and therefore the Republicans are correct, this is not an immigration issue, it is an illegal alien issue.  Therefore, illegal aliens are technically federal fugitives, and federal law regarding these criminals must be executed by the executive branch as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution where it says that "he shall faithfully execute the laws of the United States."

The Democrats, if they stand against these immigration laws, are also standing against the rule of law.  The rule of law is not supposed to be the opinion of a bunch of judges, either.  The Rule of Law is the original intent of the United States Constitution, and the laws of the United States which are currently on the books.

Article VI. of the United States Constitution indicates that the U.S. Constitution, Laws made in pursuance thereof, and treaties that have been properly ratified, are the supreme law of the land, and any laws by States contrary to the supreme law of the land are unconstitutional (illegal).

All immigration laws are made in pursuance of the U.S. Constitution because Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the authority to prohibit persons from migrating into the United States.

Sanctuary city and Sanctuary State laws are contrary to immigration law that is on the books, therefore, any sanctuary status proposal or law at any level of government from the State, counties or cities are unconstitutional, and therefore, illegal.

If sanctuary laws are illegal, then why are Democrats pushing these illegal laws?

For the liberal left progressive socialist agenda, the ends justifies the means, so acting illegally is fair game for them.  Sanctuary laws create civil unrest, allows them to better utilize identity politics, and theoretically adds new Democrat voters once these people are able to vote (either by becoming citizens, illegal State laws granting them the right to vote, or voter fraud).  Hence, the reason radio host Rush Limbaugh calls illegal aliens "undocumented Democrats."

There are millions who attempt to immigrate legally, so why even be willing to break the law and come here illegally?  Who are those who are willing to take a criminal route into the United States by refusing to cooperate with immigration officials and immigration laws?

Many are the people who Mexico does not want.  Homeless.  Unskilled.  Gang members.  Criminals.  Rapists.  Drug cartel members.  Terrorists from the Middle East.

In response, anti-constitutionalists will say things like the following (which was a troll's response to an immigration post on Facebook):

So say goodbye to your neighbor, nurse, waiters, oh the people that pic the food you eat. You guys don't like the idea that they actually appreciate work. There are jobs out there, but still haven't seen any "white people" in the fields.

I decided to insert my own answer. . . by the way, remember that my wife of 33 years immigrated here legally from Mexico, and is even more conservative on the illegal alien issue than I am:

My son was denied a job in the fields because he doesn't speak Spanish. Americans aren't in the fields largely because they are being blocked. We didn't even begin allowing folks from south of the border to work in the fields until many of the welfare programs went online. The Americans who used to do the jobs illegals now largely do became dependent upon the government because of Democrat party programs created a situation where the empty slots needed to be filled. The Democrats encouraged cheap labor from illegals because they were already the political party accustomed to pushing slave labor and acting outside the law. End welfare programs in America and there will be plenty of Americans filling those slots to clean hotel rooms, pick food, and wait tables. As for your sleight about people that actually appreciate work, I spent 14 years in construction, and it was the American workers who worked the hardest. The only time I saw the illegals move quickly was when La Migra showed up.

On the surface the Democrats tell you that immigration is a racial issue, and Republicans stand against illegals because they are racist (hence, one of the pillars of the "Trump is racist" argument).  In reality, the Democrat policies are akin to slave labor.  The Democrats are promoting a system that allows aliens to be taken advantage of and make less money than Americans could (many of whom are not working because the job was given to the cheaper labor) while collecting benefits they have not spent their life paying into, and who broke the law to get here in the first place.

Does it go deeper than that?  Are the Democrats protecting something larger?

In the Press Enterprise, Mike Morrell, a very conservative State Senator in California (yes, we have a few), wrote that Senate Bill 54, which is designed to make California a “sanctuary state,” will wind up "shielding dangerous criminals from deportation and further erode the rule of law."

I thought the Democrats were okay with criminal aliens being deported.  Hmmmm.  Let's read further:
While its approval in the Assembly is uncertain at this point, it is critical to note that if this measure becomes law, it would weaken public safety in our state, putting additional and unneeded pressure on local law enforcement. 
Consider where California is already. In 2011, Sacramento’s Democratic majority, led by the governor, pushed through Assembly Bill 109, a law that shifted more than 30,000 felons out of the state’s prison system into local jails. As a result, sheriffs have been forced to release criminals into our neighborhoods — individuals who have committed crimes such as involuntary manslaughter, elder abuse, battery against a first responder, grand theft, and a host of other offenses. 
Three years later, Proposition 47, the misleadingly titled “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” endorsed by prominent Democrats, classified property crimes such as gun theft, shoplifting and receiving stolen property as misdemeanors no matter how many times a criminal commits them, just as long as the value of the stolen items is less than $950. In the first two years after its passage, 13,500 inmates were let out into our neighborhoods. 
When asked about the impact of Proposition 47, conversations with local law enforcement officials directly confirm that felons are adapting their methods to evade penalties. In one instance, a criminal offender was in and out of the police station at least 41 times, unable to be held in lock-up. 
Further, under Gov. Jerry Brown’s Proposition 57, criminals that most reasonable people would consider dangerous or violent are eligible for early release. These offenders commit acts such as felony battery, felony assault with a deadly weapon, solicitation of murder and the list goes on. State officials have estimated that another 9,500 felons will be released. Rather than being empowered to keep dangerous criminals out of our communities, law enforcement’s hands are increasingly being tied. They are able to do little more than engage in a system of catch and release, with few consequences for those who are apprehended and convicted. 
By making California a “sanctuary state,” SB54 will safeguard dangerous illegal immigrant criminals from deportation, preventing law enforcement from cooperating with federal officials, even in extreme circumstances when they determine it necessary to do so. 
SB54 protects criminals who commit such heinous acts as sex trafficking, severe child abuse, elder abuse, production of child pornography, stalking, sexual battery, pandering and felony domestic violence, only to name a few. 
When you think about just two of these — child abuse and sex trafficking of young girls — it becomes clear that the Democrats at the Capitol are waging a war against all of us, but especially against women and vulnerable children, the very groups they claim to protect. 
With all of these facts in mind, it is unconscionable that these lawmakers would put more strains on our already overburdened public safety system. However, that is exactly what will happen with the passage of SB54.
Why would the Democrats make our streets more dangerous, and put all Californians at greater risk? Do they not care about the rule of law, or public safety?  And, understand, this will hurt the poor the most, because it is in those neighborhoods the illegal alien criminals largely reside.

The Democrats are willing to increase the frequency of burglaries shootings, rapes, drunk driving incidents, molestation (and the list goes on and on), making us less safe, and they are placing us into all of this harm for votes.  That's it.  They are doing it for votes.  For political power.  They don't care about these people.  They are happy keeping them downtrodden making much less as Americans would in near slave conditions.

Pawns.  Political game pieces.  Identity politics is simply a way for the Democrats to gain votes and power.  And, it is the downtrodden, the Hispanics and the Blacks who have largely comprised the recent militant arm of the Democrat Party (Black Lives Matter, La Raza, etc.). In a sense, minorities are becoming the Democrat Party's Brown Shirts.  The poor are the rioters.  The less advantaged are the violent mob protesters freaking out about Trump and doing the violent dirty work for the Democrat Party.

That's what Adolf Hitler did in Germany.  During his rise to power he used the "downtrodden" to do his violent dirty work.  Do you know what happened to the Brown Shirts after the Nazis fully gained power?

They were killed.

They were only tools.

That is what bothers me the most.  Illegal aliens, and downtrodden Americans (largely Hispanic and black, though you can throw in the socialist white antifas into the mix if you like) don't realize they are simply tools. Brown Shirts.  Activists who will be discarded by the Democrats once they finally attain the authoritarian power they seek.

Understand, once the opposition is out of the way, the lower classes are next, because in reality the Democrats want a master race of leftist elite.  That's why Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods.  They are already killing many of you off, but for the time being it's mainly those who have not had the opportunity to draw a breath, yet.

Thanks to Democrats here in California, our crime rates are high, poverty is high, we have the highest taxes, highest fuel costs, and businesses are fleeing the State.

Now, according to Mike Morrell, "...under SB 54, Sacramento Democrats are crossing a line, gambling with the lives of California families and choosing to support policies that have hurt countless victims while protecting felons over law-abiding citizens. Their views and actions no longer represent the majority of ordinary people.  They are breaking our state, putting Californians at risk by prioritizing the freedom of felons over the justice that crime victims and their families deserve — and the majority party will have to own it."

All so that they can silence and eliminate their political opposition.  All of this madness for political power.  Red flags should be going up for everyone.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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