Sunday, September 03, 2017

Sonic Attacks Against U.S. in Cuba

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

Two of my grandchildren, ages six and nine, saw the headline, and asked, "Sonic is real?"

Sonic attacks injure 19 US diplomats based at embassy in Cuba.

They were referring to the blue video game and cartoon character.  The headline was referring to something different, entirely.  It became a teachable moment. I explained what was meant by "sonic."  In the most simplified terms for the kids, I explained that sonic is sound vibrations - and in this case, intense sound vibrations.

The sonic attack is a very serious one, and the source of the attacks are not known.  U.S. diplomats targeted by sonic attacks in Cuba have suffered permanent hearing loss, brain swelling, loss of balance and concussion.  Reports reveal that 19 members of the United States government based at the American embassy in Havana have been affected by the use of a covert sonic device.

Officials had previously said the attacks ended in spring 2017, but it has now been revealed there was a further incident last month.

An investigation is currently underway.

There has been a Canadian victim as well, but it has not been determined if the Canadian was intentionally targeted, or was collateral damage from an attack aimed at Americans.

While former President Barack Obama eliminated the embargo against Cuba in 2015, under President Trump the relationship between communist Cuba and the United States remains strained.  President Donald Trump has tightened travel restrictions and trade embargoes.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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