Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump's Deal-Making with the Democrats is a Deal with Shadow Government

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

The appeal of Donald Trump has been the fact that he is outside the system.  The establishment has no hold on him.  When he was elected President, his supporters were convinced he could not be bought, he could not be controlled, and he was ready to stick it to the establishment in such a way that it has never been slammed before.  I like to describe it as this: Washington is a large meat-grinder, and all of the politicians are ground beef.  Every time we find a piece of filet mignon to send to Washington, the meat-grinder gets a hold of him or her, forces them into the grinder, and after all is said and done, they become just another piece of ground beef like the rest of them.  What we need is something that disrupts the meat-grinder.  We need an old piece of dried up shoe leather and then force it into the teeth of the meat-grinder, in the hopes it dislodges and destroys the pieces that makes up the meat-grinder.  Trump is that piece of shoe leather, and the establishment machine is angry because he is screwing up the meat-grinder.  They don't know what to do with him.  They've never dealt with something like Donald J. Trump before.

Except, like the Borg in Star Trek adapting to the various frequencies of energy weapons, the beast in the shadows has adapted, and has figured out a way to get Trump to play ball. . . or at least that is what it looks like on the surface.

His Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, says the information coming out of the mainstream media and the mouths of the Democrats who had dinner with Trump, is not completely true.  I can believe that.  The minions of the monster in the shadows use deception as one of their primary weapons.

Nonetheless, the reality of how brutal the liberal left Marxists embedded in the American government can be may have finally seeped into the Trump administration, and in what he believes to be a life-saving maneuver, he's making deals with the enemy.

I am a firm believer the outing of Eric Bolling and Bill O'Reilly from Fox News was a direct result of an unseen hand by the invisible monster that lurks in the depths of the swamp doing what it does.  Andrew Breitbart and Seth Rich were assassinated by the unseen hand that slithers through the halls of leadership for daring to leak the truth.  Glenn Beck went off the rails because he caught a glimpse of the machine, and looked into the eyes of the beast, and it changed him forever.  The swamp creature lurking in the shadows of the U.S. Government, and the ruling class around the world, is a conniving creature devoid of ethics or any semblance of fair play.  They play by no rules, and are willing to do anything, and I mean anything, to protect and promote their narrative of cultural Marxism.  The question is, is Trump's testicular fortitude strong enough withstand the attacks of the monster?

Donald Trump is trying to reason with the beast.  He's figuring he's going to have to use conflict resolution techniques.  In political bargaining and negotiations it is conventional wisdom that to theoretically get ahead you must give up something.  Don't let the details interfere with the bigger picture.  A compromise normally involves both sides losing something.  Can Trump give enough compromise to get enough from the Democrats and moderate Republicans to build his wall, and get other things done he may be seeking?  Or, is conventional wisdom somehow flawed?

The talking heads are calling for compromise, for both sides of the aisle to quit fighting and come to an agreement.

I believe Mr. Trump is finally learning what both sides of the aisle means, and how blurred the line truly is when it comes to the separation of the political parties and the job of feeding the establishment machine when it comes to the true nature of the creature slithering through the swamp that he so desperately wishes to drain.  He has placed his hand in the water, and has been bitten.  The cesspool is dirtier and deeper than he thought. To survive, like all presidents before him, he realizes that his own life, and all of those who he loves, depends upon his willingness of placating the beast that lurks in the shadows of government and the depths of the swamp.  On the surface, it looks like he's making poor deals with a bunch of democrats, but I believe the reality is much deeper than that.  As Trump makes deals with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, I wonder, if one was a fly on the wall in the room with them, if you could hear Beelzebub chuckling with satisfaction in the corner?

The line has vanished.  Now, there are only two groups remaining.  Those who support the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, and those who desire to overthrow it.  The problem is, most of us don't even realize the depth of how deep the war for America's soul truly resides.  I don't want my President compromising with those who seek to bury liberty.  We who stand for American Liberty have nothing in common with them, and nothing to deal with them regarding.  We don't want to compromise with them.  We want to defeat them.

-- Political Pistachio Constitutional News and Commentary

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