Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Southern Poverty Law Center is a Hate Group

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Socialism/Communism is alive and strong, despite the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The communists of the twentieth century promised that they would take down the United States from within, and it would be Americans themselves who would raise the red flag of socialism in America.  Those threats largely encouraged red scare occurrences during the "McCarthy Era."  Since the Soviet Union was obviously the enemy, the media even changed electoral map colors from blue being Republican, to red being Republican to make the GOP look more sinister.

Now, in the new twenty-first century, we have a young generation who not only sees no problem with socialism, but say they want socialism.  Do they even know what socialism is?  The antifa communists claim to be anti-fascist, but when asked what fascism, or more specifically what "Nazism" is, young people can't tell you.

Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist German Worker's Party.  Nazis are socialists, just like Bernie Sanders is socialist, just like antifa is socialist, just like the Clintons and Obamas are socialists (but won't openly admit it).  Understand, the whole socialists versus Nazis thing has nothing to do with conservatives or Trump, as the media and leftists would love you to believe.

Conservatives, Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump are all about limiting the powers of the federal government, returning our system to a standard established by the U.S. Constitution, which promotes localism, and limiting the authorities of the federal government.  How could that have anything to do with fascism?

One of the primary purveyors of the madness, and spreading the misinformation of calling anybody who disagrees with the progressive liberal left Democrats a hate group, is the Southern Poverty Law Center.  The SPLC targets those they disagree with, and then slaps them with a "hate group" label.  The problem is, the SPLC is in itself a hate group, and is being exposed as such.  They are a hate group against anyone who dares not to side with Islam, or socialism.

Prager University Explains:

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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