Monday, December 10, 2018

Dirty, Nasty Politics

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

➽Hollywood politics use censorship to silence conservative opposition . . . Kids killing each other in “The Hunger Games” with swords and spears and killer bees? PG-13. A zombie witch in the “Suicide Squad” wearing a lacy bikini gets her heart ripped out in the finale? PG-13. But the faith-based action movie “The Reliant” which has no foul language, no nudity, no torture, no glamorized violence or gore or zombies or orc beheadings or anything near “R” rated violence? R Rating!!! What prompted the “R” rating? The MPAA’s explanation is vague and inconsistent, but most likely, a scene wherein a 12-year-old skillfully uses a handgun to defend his sister from the villain.

➽Democrat environmental policies making people sick . . . Hand dryers suck in fecal bacteria and blow it all over your hands, study finds

➽Why isn't Barack Obama behind bars? . . . 'Deep State' Obama Asked Trump to Help Cover Surveillance Abuse

➽Why isn't Barack Obama being tried for treason against these United States? . . . Obama lied on Iran and attempted to undermine United States policy by funneling billions through the Euro. Now, Congress may be coming after him... Where is the media on this?!

➽Hillary Clinton is bitter, and has no class . . . At George H.W. Bush funeral Hillary, when the Trumps sat down, after they were acknowledged by the Obamas and Bill, continued to stare straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge that her 2016 challenger had sat down five seats away.  Hillary also snubbed First Lady Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump waved in the direction of the Clintons as she sat down, but was tossed only a bitter glare and slight nod by Hillary.

➽Not that Michelle Obama has any more class than Hillary . . . Michelle Obama: I'll "Never Forgive" Trump

➽Why aren't the Clintons behind bars? . . . After the White House, the money-grubbing raged on, with the Clintons making over 700 speeches in a 15-year period, blithely unconcerned with any appearance of avarice or of shady special interests and foreign countries buying influence. They stockpiled a whopping $240 million. Even leading up to her 2016 presidential run, Hillary was packing in the speeches, talking to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, the American Camp Association, eBay, and there was that infamous trifecta of speeches for Goldman Sachs worth $675,000.

➽How did the kid socialist from New York win her congressional election? . . . Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so stupid, she's undermining Obamacare.

➽Ocasio-Cortez impervious to facts . . . Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that health insurance companies essentially act as “death panels” for choosing to cover certain treatments and not others is a highly erroneous, reckless comment.

➽Even in California the Democrats are willing to use voter fraud to keep their power . . . Democrats stole congressional seats in California.

➽California Democrats even found a way to make electoral cheating legal . . . California Democrats rewrite the voting rules in their favor (ballot harvesting)

➽How is it that the Democrats are getting away with so much voter fraud? . . . California’s Rigged Election Process is Coming to America

➽Racist and Hate Crime Deception becoming more common among lefties . . . "Hate Crime" Hoax: Drake University Student Kissie Ram Admits to Sending Racist Notes to Herself & Others

➽After Pearl Harbor, we went to war. After 9/11 we welcomed the enemy into our country with open arms . . . Mall of America now a Sharia Space

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

MikeyParks said...

Final question: Why are all of these questions being stonewalled/ignored by the MSM?