Sunday, July 04, 2021

Happy Independence Day, 2021

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Patriotism angers Democrats. Conservatism angers Democrats. The American Flag angers Democrats. American Exceptionalism angers Democrats. God angers Democrats. Pride in America angers Democrats. Independence Day must render them catatonic.

So, Happy Independence Day, God Bless America, and Donald Trump 2024.

I can hear the heads exploding from here.

Let's not forget, boys are boys and girls are girls ... follow the science; and toxic masculinity was exactly what we needed to win the Revolutionary War, and every war since.

I am happy to see the scamdemic losing its grip, and the States standing up to the federal government in a number of ways.  The Marxists will lose before it is all over.

While the unAmerican Biden Administration says there will be no fireworks at Mount Rushmore, and they are doing what they can to erase American greatness from our sight with censorship and the toppling of statues, in the end they can't change our hearts.

The Marxist progressive leftist Democrats have revealed they are enemies of the United States.  Their belief system is fundamentally opposed to everything America represents.

They reject the fixed principles laid down by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. They believe that either the Constitution can be twisted as they wish with their interpretation, or that it is an old document that needs replacing.  They wish to change America into something the Founding Fathers, and patriots like you and I, never intended.  

And today I don't care what they think.  I will celebrate Independence Day as it should be, with pride in America and a longing for a return to the republic created by the Framers of the U.S. Constitution.  And, I will cherish the words from the Declaration of Independence, which explains that all men are created equal, and are endowed with certain inalienable rights.

In other words, freedom, and opportunity.  Liberty and Prayer.  Prosperity through a free market, and a system in place that keeps government out of my life as much as possible.

Happy Independence Day.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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