Saturday, July 03, 2021

Heritage Foundation: Critical Race Theory Wildly Unpopular


This week, we released polling on critical race theory. The results were not necessarily shocking:
  • 61% agreed that America was not built on white supremacy and we are not a fundamentally racist country.
  • 79% agreed that children should never be taught their destiny and inherent value depend on their skin color.
  • 64% disagreed that white Americans are inherently racist.
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Only 16% of respondents, across all political spectrums, agreed that they want their children to be taught critical race theory. The data doesn’t lie — Americans do not want their children to be taught their worth is based on their skin color.

The Left is backpedaling so hard, they are now trying to say that critical race theory isn’t being taught in schools. They are lying. In 2019, the Loudoun County, Virginia school district paid nearly $500,000 for trainings to teach about critical race theory.

Make sure your school district isn’t teaching children this rotten ideology. Go to to download our “Reject CRT” ebook, with information on how to submit a FOIA request and get information in your school district.

1 comment:

RobertGarding said...

Amen to that Doug. Thank you for this one.