Saturday, August 14, 2021

Constitution Radio: Resistance to Tyranny

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

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August 14, 2021 Episode: Resistance to Tyranny

Topics on Today's program:

  • Characteristics of the Rule of Law

 The rule of law is based on the principles of natural law, which include, but are not limited to, the following characteristics:

  1. Based on God’s Laws, i.e. Ten Commandments.
  2. Based on the concept that our rights were given to us by God.
  3. The people possess their rights, and those rights are unalienable.
  4. Governments are instituted to secure our natural rights.
  5. There is a higher power than government that even government must obey.
  6. Written law is based on God’s moral code.
  7. The principles of the rule of law are self-evident.
  8. The members of the system are individuals, and are individually responsible for their own lives.
  9. When the government becomes tyrannical it is the duty of the people to alter or abolish it.

 In opposition to the rule of law is the rule of man, which carries the following characteristics:

  1. Based on the laws of judges, a ruling elite, and the whims of the society at large.
  2. Based on the concept that our rights are declared by government.
  3. The people serve the community so they have no possessions, and rights may be taken away by government when mandated by the ruling class.
  4. Governments are instituted to protect and guarantee our rights, which are defined, determined, and allowed by government.
  5. Government is the highest power, and subjects may be restrained by the body politic when necessary to preserve the safety of the overall community.
  6. Written law is based on man’s moral whims, typically of a self-gratifying nature.
  7. The principles of the rule of man must be ingrained into the minds of the people through indoctrination programs.
  8. The members of the system are a part of a collective and must operate in a manner that is for the common good.
  9. Questioning governmental leadership is considered insurrection, and must be punished.

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