Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Did they shut down Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium?

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host



Lindell TV: https://lindelltv.com/

FrankSpeech: https://xyz.frankspeech.com/ (LindellTV stream)

RSBN: https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html

America's Voice: https://americasvoice.news/

This morning I got up at 6:30 am to set my devices to record Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium since watching it live, with my busy schedule, was not a possibility. Once I was happy with it, I got it going as I wanted about six minutes before the big "I've Got The Packet Captures" broadcast was to begin (9 am CT, 7 am PT). Then, thirty-one seconds before it was supposed to begin, the broadcast went down on my desktop computer. I tried to access it with my laptop. A message that the media was not available popped up. Tried on my phone. Same thing.

Did the liberal left progressive commies find a way to shut down Mike Lindell's broadcast before it got started? How did they shut down his own video on his own site? Has the liberal left progressive commies gotten that sinister?

I would like feedback. Am I the only one experiencing this difficulty, or was Lindell's broadcast truly shut down?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


Unknown said...

All my devices say not supported also. 3 phones, TV, tablet and PC

Unknown said...

I can't find it either. I guess that's why they are going to need the EBS.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened with me in Taiwan and someone in Malaysia. I was watching Steve Bannon about 15 min prior to opening. Trying to make sure I can access the live stream before I email people on my list. But the message "this media could not be loaded either because the server or network failed it because the format is not supported.

Unknown said...

Same experience at my end!

Unknown said...

Same experience at my end.