Sunday, February 13, 2022

Big Game California: Mandate? What Stinking Mandate?

Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

Sunday for lunch, the day before Valentine's Day, my lovely wife and I decided to travel from our home in Riverside County to a restaurant we love at the Redondo Beach Pier in Los Angeles County.  Riverside County has been largely like the State of Florida, with a handful of freaked out citizens here and there (and a bunch of them around the City of Riverside), but otherwise for the most part mask-free with no push on getting the jab.  Masks are not only rare and far between in our neck of the woods, but also our sheriff, Chad Bianco, has said he is not going to enforce the unlawful mandates being handed down from Sacramento by the super-majority Democrats infesting the governmental halls of the once Golden State.

Spoiled by the liberty we encounter daily in Riverside County we had forgotten that Los Angeles County is trapped behind COVID Hysteria barbed wire and a Berlin Wall of panic and unrelenting rules about masks and Proof of Vaccination requirements.

We wound up skipping our favorite place, and ate at a cafe with outdoor seating and a staff who, I found out after talking to them, are ready for this whole stupid thing to end.

We did not eat at our favorite place after we realized they were...

1) Requiring Masks

2) Requiring proof of Vaccination Status

3) Taking cash only

4) Out of Crab and Lobster

5) Looking pretty empty as a result

The Hot Dog on a Stick guy agreed that the madness needs to stop.  He told us that the City of Redondo Beach was so adamant about obeying Sacramento's and Los Angeles County's edicts that any business caught allowing anyone to be inside without a mask on or entering without proof of vaccine will lead to a merciless attack on the business in question with the first move being to cancel the business's health permit.

Pretty harsh for mandates that legally don't even technically carry the authority of law.

He then said, "I don't understand why the counties to our east and south are so relaxed, but not us.  What makes Los Angeles so different?"

I quipped, "maybe it's the political class who's in charge."

I am figuring he was a Democrat because he didn't understand my response, only looking at me with a blank stare I usually see in the eyes of Democrats when I mention the Constitution.

We rushed back home after eating and walking around the pier area for a little while so that I could get on the air with my good friend Alan for an episode of For the Republic on Patriot's Soapbox, and then after that show had ended I decided, on based on curiosity, to find out how the big game of football between L.A. and Cincy went.

But, before I found out who pulled off the win, the following headline filled my screen:

California mask mandate ignored by high-profile celebrities spotted enjoying Super Bowl LVI
California's indoor mask mandate is in place until Feb 15

The tolerant ones who hammer us that we must follow the tyrannical mandates of the liberal left progressive commie Democrats of California, and the Bye-Bye-Biden administration, apparently don't think the stupidity applies to them.

According to Fox News, a good number of high-profile celebrities found themselves on camera at the big game ignoring California’s and L.A. County's otherwise very strict indoor mask mandate (or at least that is what we saw in Redondo Beach).

So, while children who tend not to get sick with the COVID scourge, and are largely asymptomatic on the rare occasions they do get it, are forced to wear masks at the schools in our State, and as Fox put it, are being "submitted to strict coronavirus restrictions including being forced to eat outside in the rain in some cases", the leftist elitists don't think they need to be bothered with following their own rules.

The list of lefties not wearing a mask included Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who responded to criticism for being spotted without a mask at a recent Rams game by assuring the public he holds his breath when he removes his mask for photos, to the all-black crew of halftime show stars and even television personality Ellen DeGeneres was also spotted without a mask despite hosting a show that requires guests to wear one.

California health officials announced last week that the indoor mask mandate would continue until February 15. However, children in schools will still be required to wear masks once the mandate is lifted.

Certain other places, like public transportation and long-term care facilities, will also still require masks indoors.

That's how liars, tyrants, and hypocrites operate.  Rules for thee, but not for me.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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