Saturday, February 05, 2022

Constitution Radio: Justin Olson says get rid of IRS; Why Argue Against Convention of States?

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

KMET 1490-AM (

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Topics on Today's program:

  • First Hour Guest Justin Olson is a financial expert who says that it is time to get rid of the IRS.  He is running for U.S. Senate in the State of Arizona ( and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration in Finance from Arizona State University.  A Taxpayer's champion in the Arizona State House of Representatives, Olson desires to enter the U.S. Senate with an aim to tackle and reduce the federal debt and challenge age-old habits of unconstitutional spending and borrowing that has shackled our country with debt for many generations.
  • Second Hour Topics
    • Article V. Convention: Dangerous vehicle that can lead to a rewriting of the Constitution through a power-broker induced runaway convention?  Or the only way we can grab the reins and get out country back on its proper constitutional track?
    • A Republic for Which It Stands: As we dangerously teeter on the cliff towards becoming a full democracy, what are the mechanisms we need to restore to be a Constitutional Republic again?
    • Mandate Freedom: Canadian Truckers are protesting, Britain, Ireland and Spain have announced the COVID mandates will soon be a thing of the past, and rallies against mask and vaccine mandates have erupted around the world as anger mounts.  Are we catching on that it is time to end the madness in the United States as well?
    • California Single-Payer Bill Dead Before Arrival

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