Monday, February 07, 2022

NFL's Head Coach Black Hiring Policy Problem not a Problem

Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

One of my favorite sports shows is Colin Cowherd's "The Herd".  He's usually sensible, and takes into context more than any other host I tend to pay attention to.  So, when I sat down to figure out what to write about, I put on The Herd to see if he has any insights I may want to know about the latest football extravaganza that's on the immediate horizon.  Colin, it turns out, is out.  Vacation, day off, doctor's appointment; I don't know why he was not available to run his show, but he was gone and he handed off duties to his co-host/hosting assistant, Joy.  Joy Taylor is officially listed as his "news anchor".  


So, Joy begins the show and promptly launches into the black monolith narrative that has America reaching back a hundred years because the Democrats feel they have to stir a nest that didn't exist until they stuck a stick in it called "racism".  So, a country that felt it had its racist days behind it suddenly became invaded by Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory because the Marxists of the hard left progressive socialist party some people call "The Democrats" know through their studies of Cultural Marxism and historical examples of destroying existing government systems that the way to go is division.  Divide and conquer.  If the people are getting along well, and living well, to change the system from liberty to tyranny all one must do is make sure everyone becomes so angry with each other that they are willing to destroy their own system out from under them as they try to get at each other in a division-induced rage that may be warranted by an issue that may or may not truly exist.

So, America is coming apart at the seems because a bunch of folks have convinced a whole segment of our society that the slaveholders are on the horizon and want to put a bunch a people in chains, even thought it's all a bunch of bull-pucky.

Joy goes into her "there's not enough black head coaches in the NFL and it's because of racism" tirade, and it simply reminded me that she was in lockstep with her other goose-stepping authoritarian black monolith promoters that the problem with the NFL and its small number of black coaches is the same thing that's wrong with's all white people's fault.

ESPN and HBO black sportscaster Bomani Jones agrees, saying on his own programs that the NFL's problem is white people.

In other words, the best way to kill racism is with a different kind of racism.

Overall, the black population is about 14% of the population.  A year or so ago there were four black head coaches (12.5%).  Recently, it dropped to two (6%).  Sometimes the number is high, sometimes the number is low.  Why?  Because coaches are being hired based on needs and the skillset being offered.  One thing is for sure.  Overwhelmingly, most players in the NFL are black.

How foolish is this stupid argument?  Why would anyone wish to have hiring based on color of skin and not by the needs of the team?  

I would be more concerned about the rate of growth of the black population, if I was these folks.  When I was younger the black community was about 13% of the overall U.S. population.  Now, it's only one percent higher?

By percentage of population, the black community leads the way in abortions.  While claiming to care about the black community the Democrats push abortion, abortion clinics target black neighborhoods, and Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) was an avowed racist who called minorities "human weeds".  Rather than pairing up with the Democrats in their schemes of Cultural Marxism, shouldn't the black community be upset that the Democrats are leading the charge in the extermination of blacks through the abortion of unborn babies?

As for NFL coaches, the number of black coaches is destined to rise.  I just hope it doesn't happen because the hiring begins to put color ahead of quality of the coach or team needs.  That, to be frank, would be a tragedy for the NFL and the black community.

Slavery, however, is indeed in full bloom in today's American Society; not in terms of an enslavement of the black community, but for all us, in the name of COVID, according to Candace Owens.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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