Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Forever Student in a Psychological War

Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

A friend of mine, Todd, said to me some time last year that the smartest people he knows admit they don't know everything.  It was nice to hear.  I consider myself a "forever student," always seeking to learn, especially when it comes to the various political issues out there.  I have a list of books I wish to write, articles I wish to tackle, and sometimes it is just because I want to learn more about a topic.  Why is it that those who believe the deconstruction revision of history are so convinced what they are being told is true when there are so many other narratives out there?  How is it that folks believe that believing one's immune system is capable of doing its divinely created and designated job is a conspiracy theory?  Why are trans-people convinced that they are not who they biologically were born to be?  How seedy is the world of homosexuality, transgenderism and pedophilia?  Since the first two have become commonly accepted, and have even become protected groups, is the latter soon to follow?  With all of the evidence floating around out there why are some people so offended by any discussion that suggests the 2020 election, and subsequent elections, may be laced with fraud?  If white people are racist and incapable of being otherwise because it is inherent and interwoven with their skin-color induced alleged privilege, what's the logical conclusion?  Do people really believe that voter identification laws create a scenario of voter suppression?  Is there truly a segment of the population that believes sex education programs that are being presented in today's public schools are anything other than predators grooming their molestation victims?  How is it that anyone thinks having a cross-dresser read to children at a library is okay?  Does anybody truly agree with the "it takes a village" tyranny that is trying to kill parental rights as demonstrated by a public educator in the video referenced at the bottom of this post?  How is it that a person with the ability to use critical thinking has fallen so easily for the man-made climate change scam?  How is it that we accept the teaching of Marxism in our schools and congratulate Brown Shirt activities by the true extremists, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and those who support Critical Race Theory and the false narratives attached to it?

So, I have stuck my face into sources that oppose my line of thinking in the name of learning, and ultimately standing against a narrative I have vowed to fight to the end.  I have a copy of The 1619 Project, I watch channels like MSNBC and CNN every once in a while, I visit websites I normally wouldn't seeking to learn more about what the other side thinks, I am in possession of some of the materials that the crazy people are using to teach our children in the schools, and I have even physically travelled into places that would normally be personally off limits to me for fear of putting my toes into that kind of poison water.  I am trying to learn...and understand.

To defeat the enemy we must understand them.  Isn't understanding one's enemy a part of Sun Tzu's tactics for victory in The Art of War?

But, at what point does it become too dangerous?  Where is the line that must never be crossed, not only for our own psychological sake, but for fear of being pulled in by the enemy?

It is all a part of the learning process; and to win the fight we must be willing to realize that we are not in a basic political disagreement.  There is a war going on, an insurrection against the U.S. Constitution, and war tactics are a part of the necessary struggle.

I am not saying that we must be what we are being accused of (domestic terrorists), but sitting at home and hiding is not acceptable, either.  It all begins locally, so I simply ask, are you involved with your local boards and councils?  Do they know who you are?  Are you gathering signatures or looking into other tactics that have been working their way to the surface?

We must be careful.  We are being monitored by deceptive algorithms, and we face an enemy that is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and deceptively set us up to look bad.  As Phil Haney said before he was found dead and it was determined he committed suicide, "If I am found dead, I did not commit suicide."

My message is the same.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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