Thursday, March 10, 2022

Stop Mandate Madness with new California Ballot Initiative

California Medical Freedom Ballot Initiative

Fully Free and Informed Health Decisions Act of 2022

Stop the mask & vaccine mandate local health orders and coming California legislation.

Get this ballot initiative on the California ballot in November 2022!!!

This can be a great win for medical freedom! 


• End vaccine and mask mandates

• Stop the bullying and discrimination

• Get informed consent

• List all pharmaceutical and testing ingredients

• Restore child and college student exemptions

• Stop quarantine camps

For more information, go here:

Medical Freedom Initiative Website:

Full ballot initiative here:


Follow the steps to print & sign your own petitions.

Download and let your family and neighbors to sign too!

Short bulleted list you can share with others when collecting more signatures:

• Stop coercion and deceit in your medical decisions

• Get full informed consent on all medical procedures

• Require all ingredients listed on pharmaceutical products

• Right to refuse any tattoo, mark, symbol, mutilation, implant, or procedure

• Right to refuse masks or any device that restricts your senses and breathing

• Restore vaccine exemptions for children under 18 and college students

• Give parents of newborns the same rights at the birth of their baby

• Prevent discrimination, sanctions, or confinement for refusing medical procedures

• Prevent people from being placed in labor or quarantine camps

• Prevent organ harvesting and covert medical treatments or experimentation

• Ban adding lithium and fluoride to water supplies

• Stop self-spreading pharmaceuticals that spreads disease or affects people who didn’t take it 

We Need Your Help! PLEASE forward this email to all your contacts who support medical freedom, want to protect our rights, and prevent government overreach. This message is for individuals to print/sign/mail their petitions to headquarters, but can also become a volunteer too. 


Be a force multiplier and help quadruple our efforts. Spread this petition like a chain letter! THANK YOU!


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