Thursday, November 03, 2022

Silencing Election Integrity

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

A popular quote that is often attributed to Josef Stalin (though many sources say he may not have said the actual words as provided ... but it is something I could definitely see him saying during his reign as leader of the communists in the Soviet Union), "I care not whose votes count, I care who counts the votes."

Democracy is a dangerous beast, which is why the original construction of the American System included only limited democratic processes.  Don't get me wrong, the will of the people ought to be an important factor in the overall health of a political system, but like with anything, give too much power to the people and they will abuse it, or lose it.  Either, people will begin to vote with their wallet (asking for benefits from the treasury) rather than what is best for the country, or the powerful and well-connected will find a way to sway the vote in a direction they want it to go (usually through well-placed funding in well-placed locations ... like the pockets of congress critters, candidates, and committees).

Regardless of the fact that the American System is supposed to be a republic, rather than a democracy, the excesses of democratic institutions run rampant through our republic.  The U.S. Senate is no longer populated by the state legislatures (thanks to the 17th Amendment), the state senates are no longer populated in a manner that gives the minority voice a stronger voice (thanks to Reynolds v. Sims, 1964), and the Electoral College no longer operates as it was originally intended (though, in its current form it is still preferable to a national popular vote, which would place the election of the President of the United States in the hands of the four or five largest cities).

Irregularities are a common problem with democratic voting systems.  Elections always suffer from the reality that there are those out there who don't believe the best way to win is fair and square.  The ends justify the means, for some people, so tweaking an election, or committing widespread planned fraud are not things they will lose any sleep over.

Recently, the perception of fraud by the Democrats has been incredible.  In 2016 attempts to steal the presidential election could not overcome the overwhelming popularity of Donald Trump, and even a late "Russian Collusion" claim could not save the Democrats from Trump sticking a great big pipe wrench in their plans.  In 2020 they almost lost it again, but with some last minute vote-count shutdowns, late-night deliveries of ballots, voting machine shenanigans, and plenty of illegal ballot stuffing (as per the Dinesh D'Souza film 2000 Mules) the Democrats pulled off a Biden victory.  To supporters of the GOP candidates and those whose eyes are on the hopes of a healthy system with honest elections, the fraud was obvious.  Nothing added up.  The sudden win by Joseph Biden during the late-night hours defied every sensibility that common sense can muster.  Then, after the whole thing was over, if a person dared to say there was fraud in the election, the defenders of the Democrat Party Faith shamed, canceled, and silenced all who would dare to verbalize their beliefs.  Yours Truly, in fact, have had two YouTube videos shut down by the leftists for simply mentioning that I thought fraud was possible.

Despite the Democrats' constant historical complaints about hanging chads, Russian collusion, and the disparity between electoral and popular voting counts, if you dare question Biden's win in 2020, you are guilty of being a conspiracy theorist because, suddenly, America's elections are more secure than they've ever been.  To make sure you agree, your disagreement is not allowed.  They are doing everything they can to stop people from talking about any possible fraud in the 2020 election, including a move that has put a restraining order against the folks who provided hard evidence showing fraud in the movie 2000 Mules.  Few of the normies out there know that a Washington state judge fined Facebook $25 million for repeatedly and intentionally violating campaign finance disclosure law.  A privacy flaw has been detected in Dominion voting machines in 21 States.  Theft of personal data by election personnel has led to arrests.  Mike Lindell has even provided evidence about fraud through the voting machines through vote count manipulation.  Even studies using artificial intelligence have concluded that there is no way Joseph Biden won the 2020 election.

Nonetheless, Biden has denied that there was any cheating, despite the fact that big money is being fed into election manipulation operations.

In true leftist fashion those who suggest that there may have been fraud in the 2020 Election have been dubbed "Election Deniers".  Even leftist judges are willing to get into the game of attacking those who dare to claim there was "irregularities" during the 2020 election.

In the most despicable move of all, Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of the election integrity organization True The Vote were held in contempt of court because they have refused to divulge a confidential source in a civil case brought by the election software company Konnech in a federal court in Houston.  At the time of the article I saw regarding this cowardly move by the left, they were scheduled to be jailed without bond.

The judge, Kenneth Hoyt of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, went to extraordinary lengths to protect the company that allegedly was guilty of election malfeasance.

In a related story Konnech’s CEO, Eugene Yu, was arrested on October 4th for illegally storing the personal data of American election workers on servers in China.  So we have election integrity damaged by Konnech's software, the FBI working to conceal Chinese infiltration of our elections, and a judge acting as if none of those things happened and granting a restraining order, and a gag order against Phillips and Engelbrecht for even discussing the litigation.

True the Vote was sued last month by Konnech to try to silence them.  

Then, Eugene Yu was arrested.  Yet, Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht are still facing jail for telling the truth about Konnech at all?

What kind of banana republic, communist regime, and corruption on steroids is this?

The more the left tries to cover up their fraud, and scream anyone who disagrees with them are "election deniers," the more guilty they reveal they are.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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