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Chino Constitution Class
Monday Evening, 6:00 pm,
Archibald's, 15421 Fairfield Ranch Rd in Chino Hills (right off Central and the 71 Freeway)
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Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs, Alan Myers and Brady the War Hamster on For the Republic, Sunday Night, 5pm.
Join us as we go through the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers.
Federalist Papers 8-9, Anti-Federalist Papers 7-9, tonight...
For the Republic
Sunday 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Host: Alan Myers
Guests: Douglas V. Gibbs "Mr. Constitution"
& Brady "War Hamster"
Mr. Constitution Hour airs every Saturday Night at 9pm. K-Praise (www.kprz.com) Mr. Constitution Hour on KPRZ is a radio broadcast that looks at The United States Constitution through the lens of Christianity. The program is hosted by Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs. Tonight's episode: Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Repeal Democracy - Education is a key part in preserving our republic. Douglas V. Gibbs explains not only the importance of education, but provides a full overview regarding why we need to repeal democracy, and restore our federal republic; and how we may accomplish the task. Past episodes are available at the radio station's podcast page set up for Doug at -------> https://omny.fm/shows/douglas-v-gibbs/playlists/mr-constitution-hour-by-douglas-v-gibbs And on the following podcast platforms: Help support the program with your donations, this program has no advertisers and depends completely on contributor dollars! |
Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time
KMET 1490-AM (www.kmet1490am.com)
Classic Podcast Page on SoundCloud (for pre-2022 episodes)
Call in Live during the Program!
United States Constitution has served as a powerful and enduring force in the
history of the United States, and the document has proven to be a pivotal influence
on the political stage worldwide. The
belief that the Constitution is a valid document and a tool for the advocacy of
liberty was embraced early on by many, but the Constitution was also an
immediate target for conflict among those who viewed proper governance as only
being able to properly operate under the guidance of a ruling elite. A passionate mixture of opposition and
support has been a constant dynamic for the Constitution, with
Jeffersonian-minded patriots seeking to preserve liberty on one side, and
Hamiltonian-minded elitists, collectivists, and secularists congregating
against it.
Frederick Douglass was among those who began in opposition to the Constitution, and then over his lifespan came to understand that it was not a pro-slavery document, and that as written the founding document was a spectacular instrument for the preservation of liberty. He publicly changed his stance on the Constitution in the spring of 1851 when The American Anti-Slavery Society established a new policy denouncing any paper that opposed the organization’s belief in the Constitution as a pro-slavery document. Douglass, a longtime member of the organization, proclaimed that under this new policy his newspaper The North Star was ineligible for their endorsement.
Quotes by Frederick Douglass reveals his opinions that acknowledged the importance of the Constitution.
“Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.”
as it ought to be interpreted, the constitution is a Glorious Liberty
“I opposed the Constitution until I read it.”
Douglass inserted himself into a pro-constitution dialogue demonstrating that education was the key to understanding the document. He called education to “great emancipator.” As long as he listened to people like William Lloyd Garrison, who believed the Constitution to be a pro-slavery document, and accepted what Garrison had to say about the Constitution without researching the facts for himself, Douglass was opposed to the founding document. He saw what Garrison saw because he only accepted what Garrison had to say. Douglass realized, however, that if he was going to be a participant in American society, and if he was going to form his own opinions about the world he lived in, he needed to see with his own eyes the facts of the matter. So, Douglass studied the Constitution, and his studies brought him to conclusions that were at odds with Garrison’s.
Under his new point of view, Douglass recognized that the recent presidential administrations had been leading the government away from its founding ideals. The Constitution was being interpreted in ways that it never intended. Douglass realized that a calamity was in the making, and it was the duty of every American citizen to use the Constitution and political processes at their disposal to bring the country back in line with its founding intent. Douglass challenged his fellow Americans to reconsider what it meant to be a citizen, and who was a citizen. Were citizens entitled to protection under the Constitution, or were their natural rights something that they needed to actively preserve through their own civic action? Douglass began to champion the Constitution, declaring that the proper interpretation of the Constitution always pointed toward freedom and natural rights despite the ambiguity of a particular situation. He argued that the Constitution must be the lens through which advocacy for freedom and natural rights of all people, including the black community and women, begins. It begins with “We the People” because the people are who must ensure that the original writings were followed as intended. The Constitution does not preserve liberty, the people have the duty to preserve liberty, using the Constitution as a valuable tool.
In January 1865, Douglass declared the “hour of the Negro” was upon America. Advocacy for Black citizenship and suffrage was a duty of those who sought such a thing. He fought for enfranchisement for Black men, but insisted that once that right was acquired, Black men could help in the push for women’s suffrage.
To be an American Citizen, in the eyes of Douglas, meant that you had the right to vote and hold office. According to Douglass, upon emancipation, Black men deserved, and must be given, the opportunity to achieve those same rights and privileges. It was the pinnacle of the American Dream to be active in protecting one’s communities and families and to insure that the interests of all individuals were represented in the American government.
By the 1870s Black people were working, paying taxes, defending the country, and upholding the laws and customs of society, yet in many regions of the United States they were doing so without the benefits of protection by law enforcement, enfranchisement, and the government securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by restraining itself legally, and inserting itself when individuals sought to betray those rights that belonged to the Black community. The tension led to an ongoing battle for civil rights in the United States, sometimes unleashing violence and the disenfranchisement of Black people. Douglass recognized that the fault was not with the Constitution. The culture was suspect, and it was his goal for all Americans to hold the Constitution in high reverence as he did; if that goal was achieved, the journey back to a Jeffersonian view of liberty in the country would become reality.
battle continues today, but now the surface arguments have been jumbled,
shuffled, creating a Marxist scenario of class warfare. What we see, the names and who the groups
are, and the technology involved, are all symptoms. As Frederick Douglass believed, as Thomas
Jefferson advocated, and as a delegation in Philadelphia during the Summer of
1787 wrote, the key comes down to liberty versus tyranny. To survive, and to restore the republic as
originally intended, the war is not in the streets, or between races. The war is for the minds and souls of the
people. The battlefield is the
culture. And the battle plan is the
United States Constitution. Dismantle
the efforts that challenge the idea that the Creator is the keystone and
foundation of the system, and restore the mechanisms of the republican form of
government established by the Constitution, and all of the other things will be
resolved. And it begins, as Frederick
Douglass taught, with education.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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6:00 pm. Wednesday Evening.
Siggys Restaurant
26820 Jefferson Ave.
Lesson 11 Federal Supremacy and Ratification, Articles VI & VII
Khrushchev was correct, we are indeed raising the flag of communism, and bondage, ourselves.
Humanity is difficult to control if we can make our own decisions, travel, work where we want, and so forth. The global tyrants of the World Economic Forum believe you have too much elbow room, so their plans, as we have seen proposed by Agenda 21 (of which has changed its name too many times to count), the town of Oxford, and the recent meeting in Davos, is to place us in little boxes, require us to work and live in a small community, and only be able to journey outside that little box when they give us permission. The COVID lockdowns were a dry run to see if we would comply. Once in your box, you will be instructed where you are allowed to work, what school you can go to, where you can shop, what doctor you are allowed to have, and personal conveyances will be a thing of the past. Everything will be run by public transportation, and zone management systems that will punish you and place restrictions on you if you don't properly behave. This is not some dystopian science fiction novel, this is their plans, this is what they were discussing, and have done so openly, through the World Economic Forum...like the Soviet Union, Communist China, etc., etc.
According to the Black Book of Communism in Cambodia the Khmer Rouge worked to stamp out the humanity of the people. A story in that book tells of a man crying because his son had died, and the communist guard beating him because those emotions were too human. "You are an animal, an animal in the field, for the state," he was told. Are the plans of the globalists in today's push for tyranny any different? Do they not plan to treat us like dogs, locking us in a kennel, only allowing us to sniff around when they let us?
Klaus Schwab said, "You will own nothing, and you will be happy."
Eat your bugs, eat no meat, stay in your community, use public transportation, electronic money only, you're only allowed to talk about things they deem not to be misinformation, there will be no books and you will only read government approved materials, don't use natural gas stoves, going to church is not essential, get your vaccines you are ordered to get, you can only use plastic if they let you, limits on water usage, limits on time outside, wear a mask, don't you dare call anyone anything that may reveal an image of individuality or confirm God's hand in creation, you better celebrate what you disagree with until you no longer disagree with it or else you will be ridiculed and chided into silence and compliance, don't say or do anything "seditious" or you will be labeled an insurrectionist and arrested and held without due process, and all of this will be monitored electronically so be obedient for you will have no other choice. Obey the police state that will be policed not by local police forces which have been defunded, but a centralized contingency of shock troops and armed agents using electronic surveillance to monitor your every move and social score compliance. It turns out the standing army the Founding Fathers feared did not arise as a military unit, but as social workers and federal agents using technology...for the common good.
Anything spoken to the contrary of their agenda, narrative and policies is "conspiracy theory".
Let's examine the latest we learned from their meeting in Davos, Switzerland:
Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host