Saturday, April 08, 2023

Constitution Radio: Redemption

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

KMET 1490-AM (

KMET Show Page

Doug's Show Page

2022/2023 Podcast Page

Classic Podcast Page on SoundCloud (for pre-2022 episodes)

Call in Live during the Program!

Today's Topics:
  • Doug's Opening Monologue:
    • Easter
  • Guest: Steve Tuminello, Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officer's Association
    • Election Integrity
    • Constitutional Sheriffs
    • Kari Lake
  • Indictment of Trump
    • What are the details, and what does Mr. Constitution think about it?
  • Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
    • Attitude is everything, so why are we so pessimistic about the tools available to us to restore the republic?
  • Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers

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