Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Independence Hall Knott's Berry Farm Event Aftermath

 A quick note to my dear friends and fellow constitutionalists:

On April 11, 2023 the Constitution Association, Inc. and I (Douglas V. Gibbs, Mr. Constitution) hosted a visit to Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Farm.  Participants included members of my Homeschool U.S. History Class (and their families), and members of my six Constitution Classes I lead throughout Southern California.  We enjoyed as a group the following:

  • We toured the grounds with a tour guide, Heather, who was fantastic.  Coincidentally, she was our tour guide the last time we hosted this event about five years ago.  For those of you who might not know the cover image pictured to the left of my book, "A Promise of American Liberty," was taken during that tour so many years ago.
  • As a part of the tour, in addition to Heather's wonderful information about the history of the site, the era it represents, a tour of the grounds, the Liberty Bell replica, and the various rooms of the Pennsylvania State House we were also treated to...
    • Abigail Adams discussing what it was like for her to be the wife of John Adams during the turmoil of the Revolutionary War.
    • Benjamin Franklin, who provided information about his participation in the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
    • An audio presentation with the room darkening and the quills at the tables lighting up to signal who the speaker was regarding the debate over the Declaration of Independence, and ultimately the vote that led to the United States declaring independence from the British Empire.
  • In the gift shop, after another presentation by Heather, our tour guide, largely encompassing the flags of the era and the Betsy Ross flag (which included the whole group participating in the Pledge of Allegiance) I led the group to take a look at the Declaration of Independence.  On that document there is a spelling error that I pointed out, and I explained the history as to why it happened.
  • After the tour almost the entire group then had lunch together at Mrs. Knotts' Chicken Restaurant, during which we prayed and fellowshipped together.  These types of events are always a thrill to me as I get to enjoy the opportunity to see people get to know each other who otherwise would never have become acquainted.
  • After lunch a segment of the group also went into the park where we enjoyed rides, and other attractions.  Right now Knott's is having their Boysenberry Festival, which of course encouraged me to purchase some Boysenberry products.

The event reveals how important it is for us to work together and be active.  While it was merely an educational opportunity, I ask folks, how do you intend to restore the republic if you don't even understand what the republic is, or how it was formed in the first place?  The field trip was an educational and enjoyable event that the people attending will always remember, making it a successful and important part of achieving our mission of ultimately restoring the Constitution, restoring the republic, and placing America back on its correct path.

And for all of you out there who participate or support organizations such as the Constitution Association, or efforts such as those I partake in, thank you.  You are all important to this cause.  The success of the event at Independence Hall serves as a reminder of how important our work truly is, but also shows how few of us are actually participating.  Each of us needs to be active, and in tune with what is going on in our country.  I pray we continue to build and expand what we do and that we become a force countrywide that participates in the restoration of our republic, and the original intent of the United States Constitution.

Thank you for being a part of my Constitution Restoration family.

With fond appreciation,


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