Monday, April 21, 2008

Invested in Defeat: How the Liberal Left Misses The Big Picture

On the heels of an appalling cover of Time Magazine, which depicts the World War II Iwo Jima Flag Raising in an environmental, Global Warming manner, showing disrespect for the military, the fallen heroes that has fought to keep our nation free, and American history, the loony left is at it again with more over-the-top idiocy.

The societal turmoil over the conflict in Iraq is understandable, though misplaced. The liberal left, or at least the ones running around blocking the entrances of recruiting stations, or the ones disrupting congressional hearings, or the ones conducting their destructive protests in the streets with anti-American slogans and signs, have decided that the best way to protest against the violence of war is to conduct even more violent protests, but this time against Olympic torch runners. Why does a group so bent on stopping what they consider to be violence and hate resort to protesting in ways that promotes destruction and hate?

I agree that China is out of line, and needs to be dealt with, but where were these voices for the last sixty years regarding Chinese aggression? And what about Islam? There human rights record, especially against women and anyone not a devout Muslim, is atrocious. Why aren't they protesting the Islamic fascists for their crimes?

In regards to the Middle East, I recognize that it is a tragedy that our fine young men and women are dying on foreign soil. Like the majority of Americans, I want nothing more than for our troops to return home. But I also understand that we can't do that, not without finishing the job in Iraq and Afghanistan first. If we were to abandon the region, it would be a victory in the eyes of the enemy, thus encouraging them to promote another major terrorist attack against the U.S., and it sends the message to the world that we cannot be trusted to finish what we start.

We must remember, too, that the conflict in Iraq is but one battle of many in a much larger war against the Islamic Jihad. In the five years we have been in Iraq we have lost a little more than 4,000 soldiers. Tens of thousands of Iraqi's and insurgents have died, a vast majority as a result of in-fighting and foreign trained terrorists trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. The total death toll in Iraq according to many liberal sites is slightly over 90,000. Of course, these numbers anger the liberal left. They anger me too. If the Islamic Jihad did not declare war on us, we would not have to lose our young men and women while fighting this war. The liberal left fails to recognize that the Holy War was declared against us! And they fail to see that in any other war we have participated in the death tolls were in the millions, not tens of thousands as in the case of the Global War on Terror. Also, we must realize that compared to the number of deaths we would have lost in more attacks against the U.S., of which we have not suffered because of us taking the fight to the enemy, this number is relatively small. Remember, 3,000 American lives were snuffed out in one single day by the Islamic Jihad on 9/11. Had we not responded, how many other attacks claiming thousands of innocent Americans would have followed 9/11?

The liberal left seems to think that the Islamic Jihad against The West is somehow America's fault, or it is a minor thing that we need not trifle with. The leaders of the Democratic Party, and the anti-war groups that receive the media's attention, have determined that if we simply pull out of the region all bye-gones will be bye-gones, war around the world will suddenly stop, and then we can all get together, hold hands, and skip through fields of posies singing "Imagine" by John Lennon, or kumbaya.

Yes, 4,000 American lives have been lost in this battle. Three-quarters of that number, 3,000 innocent civilians, were slaughtered in one day on September 11, 2001 by the Islamic Jihad.

The World Trade Center and Pentagon attack on 9/11 was committed by Islamists, even after the last half-dozen times that we Americans took up arms in defense of Muslims (Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, etc.). The facts are that Islamic governments are savage dictatorships that force their people to live in poverty while they enjoy insanely wealthy lifestyles. These same wealthy leaders then openly blame the United States for their people's problems, breeding hate against The West in their religious schools, mosques, and government controlled media. Yet, as these leaders blame the U.S. for their problems, the United States has stepped in as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arabs.

Islamic governments pay families of homicide bombers for killing Americans and Israelis, and they consider pregnant women, babies, children, the elderly, and other non-combatant civilians to be legitimate targets. Our presence in Iraq has freed the oppressed Iraqis from that kind of indiscriminate killing by Saddam's government, as well as freeing the oppressed Iraqis from the iron grip of Saddam Hussein, additionally freeing Iraqis from the gang rape rooms and the filling of mass graves.

The liberal left demands that we pull out of Iraq and allow the country to fall into the hands of the Islamic terrorists, and their supporters (like Iran) . . . or even worse, some of them are demanding we hand over the situation to the United Nations, the same organization that scammed the poor people of Iraq out of the "food for oil" money so that they could get rich while the Iraqi populace suffered.

I am disgusted by the liberal left's investment in defeat, and their call for abandoning the region, and abandoning the people of Iraq.

But the liberal left, despite all of the progress caused by the surge, not only wants us to pull out of the region, but have decided that we have already been defeated in Iraq. Jonathan Steele, the author of Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq, actually states that Democrats should use the "Defeat" word. He states that though we have not been defeated on the battlefield, we have been defeated politically. . . yes, because of the Democratic sabatage! He states that because of the invasion now al-Qaeda is implanted in Iraq. . . they were already there, and Saddam was in close communication with al-Qaeda! War for oil? If we are there to take the Iraqi's oil, then after five years why haven't we? Why are gas prices through the roof?

And apparently appeasement isn't the avenue to take either. As Jimmy Carter was laying a wreath on Arafat's tomb, Hamas terrorists were attacking Israel! Jimmy Carter's traitorous meetings with the terrorist group, Hamas, grants legitimacy to the terrorist group, countering the national security interests of the United States. In fact, when any American citizen goes abroad and meets with America's enemies, and the enemies of our allies, it does damage.

But the idiocy of the left goes way beyond the protesters and Jimmy Carter. Believe it or not, their anti-Americanism gets worse! Remember when the movie, United 93, came out, and many people were saying that it was too early to put out such an emotion wrenching film? At that time there were many people upset by the release of the film because they felt there was still too much pain in people from the memories of that horrid day of September 11, 2001. Hollywood, or at least certain factions of it, has determined that, like the liberal left bloggers and politicians, the war is a farce, and we should pull out immediately. In fact, they have produced quite a few anti-war movies (Redacted, A Mighty Heart, Lions for Lambs, etc.), but none have done very well. So, the next plan of attack against the American War Effort against the Islamic Jihad has been put into place by these cowardly traitors. Now, for Hollywood, it is time to produce lowbrow and cringe-inducing comedies about the war against the Islamic Jihad, and even spoof comedies about that tragic day on 9/11/2001 as well.

These ill-conceived movies include an Osama bin Laden documentary by the "Super Size Me" maker, Morgan Spurlock; an absurdist slam against merchants of war featuring John Cusack; a zombie soldier flick with p0rn-star Jenna Jameson; a stoner movie about being imprisoned in and escaping Guantanamo Bay (Harold and Kumar); and believe it or not, a 9/11 parody by Uwe Boll, that literally makes fun of the day America was attacked. With the production of these comedies the post 9/11 movie goal by the liberal lefties of Hollyweird has reached an amazing new low.

Don't believe me? Watch this appalling first sequence of "Postal" by Uwe Boll:

"Postal" will be opening nationwide May 23 and is being billed as a "shock comedy." It will likely offend everyone except for Code Pink and the farthest fringe leftwing idiot. This outrageously offensive and tasteless film will hopefully result in Uwe Boll's movies being ignored by any audience here on out, but, unfortunately, that is unlikely.

As for Harold and Kumar's Escape from Guantanamo Bay? I don't find Guantanamo to be a joke. It is a serious facility being used to house serious war criminals. Even the lefties that find Gitmo Bay to be a location of torture will find the stoner movie about the prison out of line.

I can't even stomach discussing the remainder of the films being released soon. All I can say is this kind of trash, though perfectly legal in a free society such as ours, is tasteless and irresponsible. I hope America stays home when these films are released, and give them the same lack of audience as was given for the anti-war dramas recently released.

I may just go back and watch Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed again instead. At least that movie uses a little sense.

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