Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Former Mexican Ambassador: THIRTY Million Illegals Living In U.S.

by JASmius

Almost THREE TIMES what the Obama Regime claims.  And this is from the former Mexican ambassador to the United States, not some loud-mouth real estate tychoon.  In other words, someone in a far better position to know.

The only question is, was it a Freudian slip?:

Mexico's former ambassador to the United States said Tuesday there are thirty million "undocumented immigrants" currently living in the United States, far more than the U.S. government's claim of around eleven million.

"If you were to deport the thirty million [illegal alien]s in the United States, that's going to cost you about $130 billion," Arturo Sarukhan told MSNBC [natch].

As Sarukhan continued to talk, a graphic flashed on the screen that said it would cost $137.5 billion to deport eleven million [illegal alien]s.

Near the end of the interview, Sarukhan spoke about a 2014 Senate proposal dealing with immigration and referred to the number of illegals living in the U.S. as 11.3 million. He repeated that figure shortly before the segment ended. [emphases added]

Ooopsie.  Looks like Ambassador Sarukhan had a little brain fart and quoted the real figure instead of the Democrat/Media Complex party line.  It's even half again bigger than dissident Border Patrol agents disclosed just eight months ago.  And remember that he let that "undocumented" cat out of the bag in an attempt to attack Donald Trump's version of comprehensive immigration reform that Tea Partiers and MSNBC are convinced is a "hardline immigration policy".

Thirty million is a quarter of the Mexican population and more than a tenth of our own.  Or, about six hundred thousand per State on average.  Which translates to roughly a quarter million votes per State allocated to Democrats by an 8-1 margin.  A state of affairs whose corrective cost, if it would be $137.5 billion, strikes me as a dirt-cheap bargain.

'tis a pity that Ambassador Sarukhan couldn't have let this slip on Fox News, or any other media outlet that people actually watch.  Perhaps then it would have actually had the impact it merits.

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