Friday, August 14, 2015

The Persecution Of Joe Arpaio

by JASmius

Not any more he isn't - by order of the Obama Regime:

The Department of Justice will monitor Arizona's tough-talking Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his department to make sure they're implementing court-ordered reforms on policing tactics.

i.e. Barack Obama has ordered Sheriff Arpaio to stop enforcing the law, even though technically, as an elected local official, Arpaio oughtn't have to legally answer to the White House.

The federal department on Tuesday was given the right to intervene in 2013 lawsuit that accused Arpaio, who calls himself "America's toughest sheriff," and his department of racial profiling, the International Business Times reports.

i.e. A leftwingnut smear job sliming Arpaio as a "racist" for impartially enforcing the law instead of leaving minority criminals alone to run wild, as has since been done in cities like Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, for example.  There's no way the Obama DOJ could leave something like that, with such a high-profile "rightwinger", alone even if they wanted to.

A partial settlement reached last month resulted in the reforms – including demands Arpaio provide bilingual services for jail inmates; a ruling is still pending on charges Arpaio's deputies discriminated against Hispanics by targeting them during traffic enforcement procedures.

i.e. Illegal aliens, who as non-citizens oughtn't have legal standing to sue anybody, are the plaintiffs in this bogus lawsuit, and Sheriff Arpaio capitulated to them.

No word yet on whether the pink underwear has been ordered to be retired.

"As a party in the [lawsuit], the Department of Justice can now work together with the court, the plaintiffs and the independent monitor to ensure that the Maricopa County sheriff's office meaningfully implements the court-ordered reforms, so that the constitutional rights of all people of Maricopa County are protected," Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Kappelhoff said in a statement, IBTimes reports.

"The Constitution guarantees that all people receive the equal protection of the law, and the department is now positioned to ensure that this important right is upheld."

Listening to Obamunists talk about the Constitution that they've used as bathroom tissue for years always reminds me of this Shakespeare quote:

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!

But it does not bode well for local sheriffs around the country if even "America's toughest sheriff" can be taken down and brought to heel.

But then again, even Sheriff Joe appears to be in the sway of the "judicial review" heresy - and it got him the same dismal results it gets everybody else:

A federal appeals court on Friday threw out a lawsuit brought by an Arizona sheriff who argued that Barack Obama's [illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional] executive actions on immigration were unconstitutional.

Why?  Because they claimed he didn't have legal standing to sue (yet somehow foreign nationals do have standing to sue him) because Obamnesty had not "damaged him personally".  I guess being in virtually federal lockdown and having his department functionally nationalized and neutered doesn't count.

Just as with the Kentucky Anti-Sodomarriage Rebellion, things like this are going to come down to civil disobedience or capitulation, because the courts are no recourse, but rather a prime instrument of our oppression.  And if even "America's toughest sheriff" is knuckling under....well, suffice it to say that it does not bode well for America's resurrection.

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