Thursday, November 19, 2015

TSA Still Can't Find Box-Cutters & Scissors With Both Hands & A Flashlight

by JASmius

Although, to be fair, their 75% failure rate with these jihadist tools is still better than the 95% failure rate they scored with guns and bombs this past summer.  So this report actually constitutes progress:

After a man in Atlanta accidentally carried a loaded gun onto a commercial flight and the TSA never saw it, investigative reporter Jeff Rossen and his team went undercover to determine how thorough the TSA inspections around the country truly are, Today News reports.

According to the Rossen Reports team, Rossen traveled the country with multiple prohibited items, and in three out of four cases the investigative reporter was able to smuggle forbidden items through the TSA screening.

Today News reports that at the Los Angeles International Airport, Rossen's Swiss Army knife was confiscated, however at Atlanta International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airports items such as a Swiss Army knife, a sharp pair of scissors, and a box cutter – the same weapon used by hijackers in the 9/11 attacks – made it past airport security.

In response to Rossen's findings, aviation security expert Anthony Roman called them a "complete and utter failure of the system."

No, not complete, Mr. Roman; it succeeded a quarter of the time.  Maybe ISIS has sent operatives with the same tactical flair as the Dark Elf fighters that plunged into Asgard's partially raised deflector shields in Thor II: The Dark World.  And besides, nobody's perfect, right?  I mean, how could they be in an occupation - counterterrorism - in which anything less than perfection (i.e. 100% success) is a failure by definition?  I think what you meant to say was, "incomplete and progressive success".  I'm sure there's an Obama Executive Order requiring that verbiage on the federal books somewhere.

And just as a reminder, this is the same TSA that hired seventy-three employees who are on terrorist watch-lists because they are forbidden access to that particular information.

Kinda gives the old United slogan, "Fly the friendly skies" a whole other connotation, doesn't it?'

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