I have ordered bumper stickers for Political Pistachio Radio (3" X 10"). They look like this:

If you are interested in having one, once they arrive I will be glad to send you out one. Send me an e-mail to either douglasvgibbs at yahoo.com or politicalpistachio at yahoo.com with your address and I will be glad to send you one as soon as they come in. If you desire more than one, just ask. Be assured, your address will be safely disposed of into my shredder once the bumper sticker is on its way.
Tisha requested a side bar logo for the radio show. I have three of them. Either you can use the bumper sticker above, or the houses with flags. Here's smaller versions that should fit your sidebar. I assume you know how to post it with the link. The link I'd prefer you'd use is either www.politicalpistachio.com which will bring them here, or www.blogtalkradio.com/politicalpistachio which will send them to the BlogTalk Radio site.
Hope you listen tomorrow. Calling in is encouraged. Call in number is (646) 652-2940.
Talk to ya then.
I want to audition as a semi-regular side kick. How do I go about doing that? Please advise.
I would certainly listen if Mudd showed up to expound on her plethora of intricate musings.
One vote for Muddy
You've been busy. The radio show sounds great, I'll put it on my calendar.
Nice button and bumper sticker.
Right Truth
Thank you, again, for having me on your show. It was a great time.
I think I should get a bumper sticker for free, since I was on the show.
Good Looking design for that sticker Doug...
My 350 has a spot reserved for it bro.
Where's the 'alternate' sticker at?
The sickle and hammer design for some of your liberal readers??
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