McCain delivered a speech that energized the conservative base. He layed it down nicely regarding the Iraq War in such a way I almost found myself willing to support him.
McCain was also critical of those that jumped on the "slip a noose around Imus' neck" bandwagon. In fact, McCain even said he'd be willing to go on Imus' show in the future - ooops, too late, NBC cancelled it over his less than considerate (and yes, downright despicable) remarks regarding the Rutgers Women's Basketball team. Those crying girls at Rutgers did the worst thing they could if they wanted to lash out at Imus, because like other shock jocks, all this will do is put his name out there for more people to recognize, which will lead to a more widely syndicated show with a larger audience. Look out Howard Stearn, here comes Don Imus!
Granted, had a conservative host said something like "look at those nappy-hoes", he'd have gotten a lot more than what Imus receieved. Could you imagine if Rush or Hannity had said this? Whew, the upheaval would have been a lot worse.
Back to McCain. He's been a consistent pro-lifer, and right now he's acting conservative, sort of. But that comment so long ago that "We've wasted a lot of our precious treasure, which are American lives, over there," continues to burn in my brain. And he doesn't sit well with me on other issues, like the fact that he's on board with the Global Warming Lies issue (click here for a fascinating article on Global Warning by a publisher I am aquainted with), opposes tax cuts, and has a habit of breaking ranks for the sake of breaking ranks.
Maverick? or Jackass?
Don't get me wrong. I am not totally in agreement with all things Republican, either. And McCain is a lot more appealing than Rudy (who should just change over to the Democratic Party now, since his only conservative viewpoint is regarding the war on terror), and more consistent than Mitt Romney.
I have other reasons for my reservations about McCain, as well. He has this thing about big government regulation, and a certain anger against free-marketers. But one thing is for sure, if Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo don't step up and start making gains in the Republican race for presidential nomination, McCain is a lot more appealing than Rudy.
Have you looked into Duncan Hunter?
Yeah, I like Hunter, but I don't know if he has enough momentum.
As for those Leftwingers, the Liberals would vote for any leftwinger even if they said that they were going to run over every whitey out there on the streets with their car. The Liberals would still vote for him even if he was a mass murderer. Of course that is why the Liberals are so much like Commie/Nazi's.
Anyway Doug, Hunter is playing it smart, while Obama and Hilary and some of the warly Republican front runners are tiring out the masses with the scandals and hulla baloo, Hunter seems to be playing it low key.
I have still not even come close on deciding whom I will endorse, but I like Duncan at this point.
He stands strong against illegal immigration, which is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Here's more:
Wow, that was such a gem Twitty.
Anyway, Doug, he's one to keep an eye on.
Ya know,,,,I wonder just "what" was so bad about what Imus said?
If it were so *BAD*, why was every news outlet repeating it verbatem?
They always censor them selves when it comes to a certain spanish word meaning black,,,,so why -if it were so despicable- didn't they self censor themselves in this case?
Sounds like a case of instant outrage- just add an offenede minority.
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