Last night I was listening to My Point Radio and the subject matter was regarding Don Imus and his "nappy-headed ho" remark. Dave's guest, Victory Waters, has her own show as well. Sharp gal, enjoyed listening to what she had to say, but I think she misses the point.
I will never pretend to know what is like to grow up feeling the sting of bigotry and racism. I am a white male. I have felt the sting of hate by members of other races, and by members of my own race. I have been beaten to the ground by a dozen idiots, and kicked in the ribs until I stopped moving. However, even in that circumstance, I refused to give my attackers the power they were searching for.
By reacting the way they did the Rutgers Womens basketball team gave Don Imus power. Had they responded, "Yes, I heard about what he said, and he is obviously someone filled with either ignorance or hate. I know who I am, and I know that I am not a nappy-headed ho, and as a young black woman I feel sorry for people like Don Imus that is still living in a fantasy world inside his mind where statements like that are still okay," Don Imus would have looked the fool, and these young women would be regarded as strong, independent, and above such foolishness. Instead, they decided to give Don Imus power, and whine and cry and play victim.
Yes, Ms. Waters, I understand the pain of hearing it all your life, and it is okay to be upset and angry that idiots like Don Imus still spew such insensitivity in this world, but please, rise above it, show us that you are stronger. Don't give him the power to take away your joy with his foul mouth.
This Saturday Political Pistachio Radio will address this subject. Mrs. Pistachio, being a minority, and living through her own bouts with insensitive people will talk about her take on it. And I even invite Mudkitty (I may regret this) to call in and challenge what I am saying. It may get loud, it may get nasty.
And then, in an unprecedented move, My Point Radio will follow PPR. Political Pistachio Radio will broadcast at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, and My Point Radio will follow at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Two great shows back to back. Tune in to My Point for their version of hammering the idiot left after listening to me get into it with Mudkitty. It will be a great pair of shows.
Gotta love it.
I gotta tell you ,that was one of the toughest , but rewarding shows Jenn and I have ever done.
Two great people as guests and tough subjects, and I think we were openly honest.
Jenn made some very good points about her own life which I think have happened to us all and I encourage people to examine it for them selfs
I still don't get the whole, "black people can't be racist" thing. I think that is a crock.
It was a pleasure talking to Victory, she is a nice woman, but she needs to step off the victim train. I mean she was trying to get me to go along for a ride, and I won't. I'm not a victim, as you said, "Don't give him the power to take away your joy with his foul mouth."
And Darryl was his usual great self.
I was just talking with someone and they do not understand your programming decision to give MK a forum, again?
Look Doug its your show, but shes losing her audience. Kinda Imus style. Besides you and Mrs's do a fine job
Is Mudkitty losing her appeal? She never had any. These aren't threats against Doug, they are words of disgust aimed at you, Mudkitty. Maybe it's because Mudkitty uses the same ol' BS arguments that have nothing to do with the issue, or proves to be BS if you figure out what she's saying. Example? Remember when Doug had that anti-pedo post? SkidmarkKitty says something about the age girls legally marrying in Greek times as being much younger - she was defending the pedophiles, she was saying it is okay for these bastards to do what they've been doing by quoting a precedence. Now, she doesn't read carefully (as if she ever has), and keeps arguing that Doug is defending Imus - he isn't. He said over and over that he felt what Imus said was wrong - he is questioning the Rutger's players decision to allow Imus' foul mouth to affect them in such a way. Shitkitty, you are a troll, and a seriously deranged one at that. Call Doug's show, piss him off, with any luck it'll be the last we see of you at this blog or on his show. It's Doug's decision, but he's better off without your diseased outlook plaguing his blog.
"And you don't think that DG has the guts to stand up for the underkitty? Or Underdog?"
Doug is too classy to even bother answering that.... I have no such qualms.
You are not an underdog, undercat, underiguana or underchipmunk.
You are a troll. You are the lowest common denominator of troll as you don't even TRY to spew a fact amongst your vitriol.
You come to right sided blogs to cause havoc and to annoy. You serve no other purpose.
Try starting your own blog, you can spew all day and talk to yourself, and it will seem just like old times.
Doug thanks for the shameless plug here for our show. You are a very, very good person. And congrats to the wife. Let me know how that goes my husband will be doing it soon. 2 new Americans!
Uh.....I've been commenting on Dougs site for a long time, long before you psycho.
In fact it was me who mentioned Poilitical Pistachio one day on My Point long ago and then invited him on.
Oh, and by the way, Darryl LOVED the show. Don't you know he's our #1 fan?
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